Monday, February 25, 2019


Ah, the age of information. And along with it the somewhat (and sometimes) appropriate, digital acronym TMI. The warning of information being too great, over the top or totally unnecessary. Many times certain things are better left unsaid. With this user warning as intro, and the reality that across our computer screens often fly unsolicited memes of varying intentions, this one came in hot yesterday and caught my attention without click bait, full caps or seamy innuendo.  Very straightforward and unassuming it asked if this might be a good time to review our New Years resolutions. After all Friday will be March. Already. Is time flying or am I? 

Why did the author suggest that a review might be in order? Could there be other reasons besides personal humiliation and self flagellation? With the possibility that there could be, I resisted for about ten seconds before clicking on the site claiming ownership of this important information. (Editors note: In the dawn of personal computing, I was one of those who HAD to find the secrets of washboard abs in thirty days.) Here is what I discovered, and be advised that my suspicions were correct and I find this author’s assessment particularly accurate. 

Four reasons why a review of (the current status) of your NYR is a good thing:

1) As we have been discussing, tiss far, far better to seek perfect effort rather than perfection, therefore, failing at the get-go of a resolution is a wonderful and timely reminder of our human imperfections. 

2) It is also a good time (with number one in mind) to review those things that we have accomplished to date. After all if you are reading this you have just set a personal best for consecutive days alive. Way to go!

3) This is an important reminder that our efforts are best continued, practiced and improved by relentless awareness of our state of flow. Do not be discouraged, keep the fire burning. 

4) Everybody needs a re-boot on occasion. This could be (should be) a powerful and timely option in your play-book. What is keeping you from a re-set? 

Summarized, the values and qualities listed above represent wholesome and worthwhile tools for use with our personal reconstruction. This, whether you are pouring the foundation or finishing the countertops. Humility, awareness, gratitude, forgiveness, presence, gumption and dynamic flow will go a long way in making that house of yours a beautiful, loving home. 

In the age of information, this has big value. We are fond of the saying suggesting we should fail often, or as Eleanor Roosevelt once suggested that we do something every day that scares us. Let's take a discerning look at our progress to date, make it brutally honest, and then correct our course. There are charts, maps, memes and videos available to assist you in this due diligence and on-line research. 

As there never is too much information. 

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