Wednesday, February 6, 2019

PT was Right

With apologies to dear Mom, who tried to teach me that should I have nothing good to say about someone, to say nothing at all, I feel obliged to make a few comments about what took place last night.

Yes, I am in reference to the SOTU ‘speech’, which apparently, has had a definition update to actually mean, gas lighting propaganda interspersed with outright lies and outrageous falsehoods. Or, as has been suggested, a misogynistic manifesto.

I find it alarming that 37% of the American population still approve of this arrogant blowhards dangerous and deceptive rhetoric. Worse that republicans in the House and Senate actually applaud his most vicious and corrupt dichotomies. The guy is master con-man playing a wanna-be mob boss. Worse again is the complicity that congress wears like a cheap suit.

I did not watch the sinister spectacle live, but by the time I reached home and tuned to the Internet for analysis, comment and opinion, the jury had not only returned from deliberations, they had sent aids out for rope. Lot’s of it.

How the heck does anyone, let alone, arguably, the most powerful and influential leader of a free nation, look those he governs in the TV eye and outright lie to them? So let me get this straight, we, US citizens, need to come together and stand united as one, something than cannot happen if the current partisan oversight and criminal investigation continues? DID I GET THAT STRAIGHT?

I could go on, but I have better things to do than tell you what you already know. I will however leave you today with one final observation:

That the 37% still approving of this huckster and his corrupt money-monkeys, have proven PT Barnum* to be right all along.

*Barnum is widely attributed to the famous pithy quote, although there is little evidence he actually was the author, orator or originator, thereby suckering us twice. Let’s learn from his genius and not repeat this repugnant frequency of natal ignorance.

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