Tuesday, February 26, 2019

F is for Former

Stay positive and find beauty

I strongly believe (now THERE is a solid open!) that the political jingle suggesting that one day our kids - or their kids - will ask of us: What the heck we were doing while this social malady was running rough-shod over our democracy? You were there? What were you doing? How could you NOT see what was happening? Defend yourself. 

For should we choose not to, we will have already been judged as guilty by the passage of time, what we call a solid and secure place on the wrong side of history. 

I, for one, cannot allow this to happen. To myself, if for no other altruistic and further reaching extensions and obligations, I owe the respect of my own puny, individualistic and alone voice. There is a compelling tug at the gates of my soul screaming, literally shouting, to say something, to do something, to put down whatever distractive device is wasting so much time when it could be better spent on the introduction of more peace into the equation, instead of more violence. I see that awesome responsibility as a part I can play, not matter how small it is, here and now.

I can speak up. I can speak out. I can address the current situation. I can offer a solution. 

Then, and only then, will I be able to return to mundane normality of my self created status quo. 

So let’s give it a go. Has anyone seen my soap box? Is the choir ready? Ten-hut.

They are winning. The powers that be (PTB being a reality and not simply a toss-away acronym), are delighted that we spend so much of or time and energy fighting among ourselves. Left versus right, libs vs neocons, black vs white, gay vs straight, rich vs poor, educated vs illiterate, red vs blue, have vs have-not, Yankees vs Braves, fat vs skinny, rural vs urbane, he vs she. It allows them to buy (as we are distracted and numb), judges, lobbyists, senators, law-makers, cops and media to shield them from the riff-raff of the proletariat. To build bigger walls, keep the minimum wage pitifully low, deny health care and education, regulate women’s bodies as commodities, and ensure the steady flow of obscene profits through the gross manipulation of the military-industrial complex. All of this for starters. We can quickly toss oil, energy, medicine, water, food, housing, transportation and entertainment into this one-way revenue flow mixture. 

You should know by now that I detest the current ‘leadership’. There are very few criteria necessary for inclusion into this exclusive club, the most important among them being one’s ideology, one’s color of skin, one’s gender, and one’s lust for power. 

Current polling data indicates there to be approximately 44% of Americans agreeing with the racist strategies and bigoted tactics of the crime family calling the white house home. One by one they are being weeded out, indicted, held accountable and sentenced. This is a slow process, because they have gamed the system so thoroughly that we need to have evidence thick enough to carry the weight of several smoking guns. Meanwhile our democracy and the very guide-book we live by, the Constitution - NOT the Bible, is being ripped apart like fresh carrion road-kill.

Two things. We cannot fight this battle with the same energy that created it. Pouring kerosene on the fire will not extinguish it. An eye for an eye eventually creates a village of cyclopes. The tools to successfully turn this red tide of hate and fear around are their opposites. 


Put them into play. Love your neighbor. Embrace diversity. Stay positive and fund the fun. Open your doors and feed the hungry. Teach your children. Speak the truth and see the beauty. Say ‘not acceptable’ to all forms of racism. DEMAND WE STOP SENDING OUR KIDS TO FIGHT GEO-POLITICALLY BASED GLOBAL MONEY GRABS. All this is possible if we quit our in-fighting and point the business end of our united spirit towards those currently abusing both the laws of man and God. This is for the greater good and will only be successful when we rise above the oppressions placed upon us by those that profit from our suffering. 

As we assemble and prepare for the upheaval, we do so with peaceful energy and razor-sharp awareness. We clearly see the urgency and need for revolution. There are kids in cages that cannot defend themselves. There are national emergencies concocted out of ego and greed. There is injustice, literally, everywhere we look. We are being had. As they ship boat-loads of cash to off-shore accounts. 

The PTB must quickly become the FPTB. Where F is for former. 

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