Sunday, February 24, 2019

Define Epic

As Bukowski, said (in this amazing poem), “If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.” Alan Watts chimes in here. Then there’s Buddha’s wisdom: “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: Not going all the way, and not starting.”

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration - Nikola Testa

It is Sunday Morning. Cold, dark, damp. Something is missing and it could very well be the fact that today I am not doing the one thing, with the one tool, in the one place, that brings me great joy and meaning. I am not riding my bike today with thousands of others in our Island’s annual celebration of cycling and winter. Sure, I will venture out after this effort, try to avoid the endless pelotons of riders of every skill level and riding style and find some interesting spot to set up my cameras and capture video, but it feels today as if I have called in sick for the holiday of bussmen. I should be celebrating with them as I have dozens of times in the past, toasting the trees, embracing the chill-factor and facing an adventurous opportunity head on. 

I did mange to fortuitously capture an incredible segment last year, a long take of a young girl, maybe 20, struggling up one of our notoriously steep hills with a determination that only a cynic in comatose would fail to take motivation and inspiration from. I will try to find more of that today, and as always happens when I chose the lens over the legs and lungs, I will sense the energy, frequency and vibration that we seek as participants in life.

Bringing us to the point of today’s post. The theme of the tome and the gist of the mill grist, meaning. 

What is the meaning of all of this? Why do we do what we do and not do something other? With the largess of this grandiose existential conundrum as backdrop, I will narrow the scope to one pertinent and timely question.

Please, as a personal favor to me (as if you owe me) consider, and then respond to the following question. It is a test with one ask. Just a sampling of abstract, perhaps dyspostiac vision of how you see yourself in this wild ride. Please, using any medium or number of words, define your understanding of the possibilities surrounding the term 'Epic'. 

What does Epic mean to you?

That is it. Good luck. Take as long as you like but be advised that the sooner your response is truthfully framed -  the sooner you can get started accomplishing it. 

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