Monday, February 18, 2019

Keep Running

We should always be running. Running towards something, a goal, a finish line or in the general direction of that Light at the end of whatever current tunnel we happen to be in. Because, after all, we have put ourselves in this tunnel as a test. One in which we can learn, grow, evolve, and rise from. Or not. We can just as easily stay right where we are and call it a day. We can choose to take the easy route, accept the status quo, and decide that this is good enough. But then…

Running ceases. We are at full stop. Nothing moves. Senses dull and the mind wanders in search of a solution to the anxious, boring routine of being comfortable with the convenience we have selected instead of adventure and evolution. I am not passing judgment of any kind, merely stating and suggesting to you (as a public service) that the latter place I find about as interesting as modern pop music. A genera I do not particularly care for (although a place one could consider necessary in order to say, ‘been there’, once one has crawled through). If this is an experience you are currently in, take the advice of the countless billions that have gone before you and, as the song suggests, ‘if you’re going through hell - keep on going.’ 

The moment we recognize the value in this transformation, the meaning of the experience, we move a notch up, one rung higher on the continual improvement path. This is crucial. We, like gerbils on a spinning wheel, are forever in a state of dynamic flux, moving ever onwards towards our goal, chasing the light that shines for us so brightly at (what appears to be) the end of the tunnel. Be cautioned, this is an illusion. No matter how far away, impossibly distant, the light appears to be, it is accessible, close as your hand, if only we ambulate one small step in its direction. One pedal rotation, one stride, one stroke, one pull of the oars or one simple meaningful breath. 

That is our motivation, that is our goal.  AND IF YOU MOVE YOUR SOUL TOWARDS ITS MAGNETIC COORDINATES - YOU ARE THERE. Because we know that the road IS the goal, not the destination. You will have arrived as soon as you think you have already got there. You are already here. Know this now. 

All we can do is manage our response to the here and our effort in the now. THAT IS IT. If we are moving towards it - that is it. If we aren’t  - that is not it.

It is our choice. You can put it off till tomorrow, wait until the kids have all graduated from college, when you are shooting scratch golf or lose that twenty pounds. You can make a deal with yourself, agreeing to the time being right upon your retirement, or as soon as your doctor recommends it. Additionally, as we noted earlier, you can decide that optimal health and good fitness aren’t your responsibility and assign it to your government, or medical technology, trusting that one day they will provide all this in pill form. Humankind as been waiting for this to happen since the literal dawning of time. So don’t be fooled. 

My dear friends, let’s not wait around for that fine day to come. Let us take charge of the one thing that we truly can control: our thoughts. Think positive, think powerful, think adventurous and think bold. 

And keep running. 

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