Thursday, October 18, 2018

Plenty Dumb

Dunning-Kruger Effect video
How does one deal with an overt level of deception so blatantly obvious that even the simplest, most banal question causes a shrug of shoulders or rolling of eyes? The question, one I have been seeing with more and more frequency, is:


In today’s world of corruption, greed, hypocrisy and alternate realities, the answer is easy:


A better question might be, at what point will their, the republicans (sic) led by their slime and sick allegiance to money, lose the portion of their base that keeps them in office and out of prison? 

Seriously, what percentage of red voters, gaslight by generations before them in claiming a birthright determined by the hue of their hide, their hatred and anger over missing the boat of enlightenment, their fear of losing what remaining privilege they cry for in church and their culture of ignorance, will finally see that the scam is on them? 

The metric not lost on conservative strategists is 30%. They know that they don’t need a majority of the population to agree with their neo-fascist ideologies and ‘tax reforms’, nor their policies of hatred for minorities, gays, students, seniors or anyone other than rich, white party donors. They can continue their pillaging of American democracy as long as they can keep that 30% dimmed-down and angry enough to believe absolute shit such as this from yesterday:

We don’t want to get in the way of a 100 billion dollar arms deal. It is now apparent that this sets the bar as the price for which a journalist can be tortured, dismembered and beheaded. Must be a red-letter day for defense contractors and evangelicals. 

As if that isn’t enough to open a blood-shoot eye, maybe this one will sway voting sentiment in the hearts of one or two dyed-in-the-wool libtard haters:

Seems that as a result of ‘tax reform’, a gift to the super rich supporters of the party that, as illustrated above, puts profit over people, all at the expense of the proletariat 99% of America, the deficit has now reached all-time highs. Partially resulting from another totally unnecessary donation to the military-industrial complex and our interests overseas, aka geopolitical power. The kicker being that yesterday McConnell did the unthinkable in announcing that due to the out of control and skyrocketing deficit that social security, medicare and medicare must be cut. Even though they are not related. And even though they are an ‘entitlement’ that the workers of this formerly great country have paid into since the last ‘good war’. 

That 30%, the red ‘middle class’ is now facing an interesting decision. They have been emboldened by hatred and fear, seeing the global violence of their leadership spun-off as a financially necessary and ensuring national security. At what point do they, as McConnell floated yesterday, actually buy into their own suffering and poverty and willingly agree to donate their money and then their health by a major contribution to the 1%? 

How dumb do they think we are?

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