Thursday, October 25, 2018

Get a Rope?

They have provided enough rope. There remains a few trees capable of supporting the weight. It should be glaringly obvious that they are desperate in keeping what power, stolen in the first place, that they cling to like the Confederate flag. 

Yesterday, and continuing into today, as if gerrymandering, voter suppression, outright blatant lies, orchestrated distractions, abuse of power and conflicts of interest weren’t enough, they are now sending pipe bombs to Democratic recipients. PIPE BOMBS intended to kill former presidents and high profile politicians. And if they can’t kill them, at least maim them sufficiently to keep them from any counterpoint to the agenda of supremacist propaganda with which this wanna-be fascist administration forces upon a democratic republic and its shell-shocked citizenry. This is how far they will go. They will lie, steal, cheat, lie some more, bully, intimidate, assassinate, lie and cover up, gaslight, blame someone, distract, lie again, leak propaganda to their state-controlled TV network, incite violence, lie about it, and then lie about the lying once they get caught lying. 

Please let me repeat: PIPE BOMBS. 

This is what we have created. We allowed this to happen, on our watch and right under our very noses. We got complacent. We, almost 40% of us, were so overly confident that there was no way a radical punk loser like the current scourge, who just yesterday called himself a nationalist, could ever be elected in a fair contest, that we stayed home and watched reruns of Survivor or Game of Thrones on big screen TVs instead of voting. It’ll never happen, we all said, going about the business of preparing for the first female POTUS immediately after the first black one. 

Evidently this was too much social change as the resulting exploding heads confirmed. The backlash expected was underestimated to the degree that would challenge even Vegas oddsmakers in a David and Goliath rematch. Misogynists and racists came out of not only the woodwork, but the masonry, trim and even the plumbing and electrical. And by golly, these ignorant and vile deplorables wanted blood. They were then instructed by their demigod to avenge eight years of prosperity and peace by whatever means were available to them. This meant the guns that mysteriously had not been rounded up, motor vehicles, pitchforks, cellphones, poisons and pills. 

And now bombs. This is terrorism. This is domestic. It is on our soil as we prepare for the most important single election since the founding fathers created their legendary declaration over two centuries ago. 

YOU have a responsibility here to restore sanity. You have the power to call for the removal of an organized international crime syndicate that cares about nothing other than enriching itself at our expense. We are being fleeced to a level not even Jason could imagine. And now they are mailing incendiary explosive devices to those who disagree with their criminal tactics and immoral agendas. 

Normally I would end this diatribe with the punch-line answer to the question, ‘what do we do?’ with the somewhat catchy reply of ‘get a rope’. But here and now, it is crucial that we move away from humor and towards the literal. 

Get to vote. 

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