Tuesday, October 30, 2018

British Invasion

The GOPs latest slime-ball scare tactic, a week before the mid-terms, the myth of six million murderous wanna-be asylum seekers marching through Mexico from Central America, has been termed an invasion by the state sponsored propaganda fear-mongers at Faux News. Seems there has also been an infiltration of ‘unknown’ Middle Easterners to the group as well. All toting AR15s, homemade pipe bombs and chanting lock her up. 

I would laugh if this wasn’t so stupid. This fraud of a president, and his spineless minions in the House and Senate play the republican base like a string fiddle. They promote hatred, violence, racism and nationalism (me first) and then deny any responsibility when soft-brained, weak-minded shepple in red hats actually go off their opioids and kill innocent people. It is a disgusting demonstration of fascism normally reserved for third world dictators, yet making a unsightly comeback led by maniacs calling themselves ‘the trump base.’ 

Once again please excuse as I chortle about the immigrant’s ‘invasion’. My emotional response turns quickly from the cynical to the serious when I consider what is behind this wholly political posturing. The fact that there are millions of Americans actually buying this bull, supporting the violence, discriminating, hating, and choosing to follow the outright bigotry and corruption of the invertebrates outright lying to them, astounds me. I have heard this question asked rhetorically a thousand times in the last year: “How dumb do they think we are?’ 

Plenty dumb is the painful answer. And that is a key strategic point in their unscrupulous campaign to keep their incredibly profitable power the color of blood. They know that if the scarlet circle is to continue, that sphere in linear fashion: Big Corporate $$$ > Lobbyists > Corrupt Politicians > Laws > Tax Breaks, Gifts, Policy > Big Corporate $$$, thet must do anything to keep in power. Anything. So the circle is unbroken as the rich are returned their investment a billion fold. Answers the question as to why so many things are so effed-up doesn’t it? 

The simple fact that the people most negatively affected by this are the poor, what is left of the middle-class, the disabled and disenfranchised, students, seniors and people with pre-existing conditions comprise a large part of the trump base. This gets lost in the mix of hate and ignorance they see as entitlement. Maybe it is worth paying $4 for a gallon of gas when you get to shoot up a synagogue, or a fair and balanced deal to spend 48 years in the big house for sending IEDs to the political opponents of your fearless leader. It should not be lost on us that if these had been perps of color we would not be talking about their court appearance, but their memory. Law enforcement shoots anyone other than whites on the spot dead. Whites get a trial. Do some research. 

I started out today to write about music. About writing music. Adding poetry to a melody. A few of the traits I was going to compare to indoor cycling (remember back in January that was the thematic goal)  were these:

Valence (Mood)

Just hearing the ugliness spewing from the talking heads at Faux News last night, their cheap and pathetic attempts to cover the atrocities inspired by the hate speech of their chief instigator, their inane use of the word ‘invasion’ by a group of people innocently only wanting to provide better lives for themselves and their persecuted families, about made me sick. This is who we are, who we have become?

We will find out one week from today. 

I hope that we can muster an invasion of our own. The invasion of the Blue Army to the polls. These vicious, soulless bastards must be voted out. THAT is what will make America great. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. 

The only successful invasion of America in history was in 1964 by British rockers. 

We made love and music not hate and war, about as black and white as it gets. Or should I say as red and blue as it gets? 

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