Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Personal Distraction

I take my distractions seriously these days. Once upon a time, maybe laying on a beach, on a road trip, working the ranch or playing in the band, I would drift into a state of bliss and be perfectly content with whatever light that moment was offering. I never stopped to consider that it could end, or that the only element necessary for its sustainability and flow was my direct contribution to it as a direct result of my consciousness and recognition of its powerful presence. The three words that summarize this are the ones I repeat often, here, there and everywhere: Be Here Now. 

The dark side suddenly appears as distraction. For the simple reason that one cannot stay in the light when shadows envelope us with fear, anger, lust, apathy, dread or desire. This is human, we are hard-wired to think about these things. A very tiny percentage of us are strong enough to see the illusions and transcend them. This is the battle. To see, recognize, accept and then act with our best spiritual intentions towards resolution. Sometimes this happens in a day. Sometimes after the completion of climbing 12 steps, sometimes in that nanosecond of eternity called enlightenment. More often that not however, we will settle for something between the poles, something comfortable and accessible. Something to stop the pain. The proverbial bird in the hand. 

How important would a process be that offered continual improvement through consistent practice? I trust that your answer matches mine. HUGE. 

We can all benefit from focused training, whether in the form of mediation, counting breaths, swimming, yoga, cycling, prayer, or regular walks in the forest. This is what the we call stopping the runaway freight train. Relaxing into your presence. Just sit. Or just count. Or just swim. Do not be distracted when that little impish shadow voice tries to convince you that there is other shit that needs to be done, stat! Just breathe. Or just spin. Or just speak softly in gratitude to that greater power that holds one hand behind ear to better listen to the sincerity in your heart. 

That is practice. That is one dynamic way to cope with the ever increasing phychic stress that seems to be bombarding us with alarming regularity. 

And that distraction? Pick a good one. Allow yourself a temporary break from the grind and put all your passion into that while you take that important time out. Cooking, cleaning, motorcycle maintenance, reading, playing your guitar, calling your sister in Florida or watching college football all qualify, as do a thousand more. I am all for wholesome entertainment as primary distraction. This time of year I get to practice, manage my personal stress, enjoy and participate in the sometimes joyous/sometimes painful growth process of others as I watch ‘my’ team, the University of Washington Huskies play football over the course of the fall season. 

Regardless of outcome, tomorrow it will be back to work. I accept that. It is a deal we made long ago, and I can’t give up now. So please forgive me as this afternoon I again indulge in my distraction. I am quite sure that the problems of the planet will still be waiting for answers upon the morrow. 

Thank you. Go Dawgs.

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