Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Call To Action

Today write something worth reading - and do something worth writing. 

That snazzy little zinger started my day. As any self-respecting Marine will gladly tell you, we get more  done by noon than most people get done the entire day. And while in all honesty I cannot claim membership, present or past, in the semper fidelis brotherhood, I have been inspired by their work ethic many times. 

At sunrise we, nephew and I, waltzed through our Wednesday weight session, he does this before school and I before my spin class. He then sets sail for the educational and I for continual physical fitness improvement. He, as student, sits and listens and I as teacher, sit and spin. 

It will be noon in another 15 minutes. 

I would like to make an attempt to consolidate my thoughts on the importance of November 6th. The mid-tern elections are mere 18 days away, the magnitude of which is a 20 on the Richter Scale of political activity. To mix a metaphor, the question of a blue wave, even if a tsunami, needs to be accompanied by an earthquake of similar color and hue. I will try to answer my ‘ifs’ with one closing call to action. 

Robert Mueller has enough goods ready to go, and the reason he is waiting until after the Mids is to get a house with Democratic majority (because the current house won’t act). If you back Trump.....

If you think that it is OK to be racist, a white supremacist, a member of the KKK, and truly believe that being white grants you additional privilege…..

If you don’t mind the current administrations vulgar, belittling and sexist attitudes towards women…..

If you do not have a problem with robbing the poor to give to the rich via tax breaks…..

If you have no issue with the assault on the free press…..

If you think the military industrial complex is more important than democracy itself…..

If you tolerate polluted water and air…..

If you think that climate change is a hoax…..

If you believe that your hard-earned social security should be donated to the national trust…..

If you will never have the need for Medicare…..

If you can sleep with the unprecedented levels of corruption and deception currently on display…..

If you like kids in cages…..

If you are OK with adultery, murder, theft, falsehoods and lies unlimited…..

If you don’t know what gas lighting means…..

If you actually believe HALF of what Fox News says…..

If you think that Steven Miller is a nice boy…..

If you chant ‘no collusion’ and ‘lock her up’ along with Sean Hannity…..

If you haven’t a problem with gerrymandering and voter suppression….

Then you are a minority. The majority of American people are sick and tired of this shit. The problem is that the scum-bag, slime-ball republican strategists are planning on you, the left, the democrats, the snowflakes, the young, those of color, gays and the complacent, to say home. They proved this to be an effective strategy in 2000 and again in 2016.

It is sick. And it must not be allowed to happen this time around. The answer is so simple I can hardly contain my propensity to overly dramatic rhetorical verbosity. 

My closing call to action is this: VOTE.

Do I need to suggest a color? 

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