Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Well THAT worked!

Well, THAT, worked out OK!

Like sunlight streaming through the old growth, could it be the magical, 'ask and ye shall receive?' factor at work? I don’t know. But I will try my luck. You bet your sweet bippy I will. The backstory, all the way from yesterday (things are moving fast around here) you will recall started not-so-innocently with my rather aggressive instructions to the Speaker of the House (but everyone knows her as Nancy) demanding that impeachment proceedings against the dumbest fuck ever to hit the big time (and all he had to do was act naturally) begin immediately.

Later that same day, she did and they were. ZOUNDS! We did it! The chaos has officially started and with any luck at all we might have political entertainment for the next 17 months or so. Won’t THAT be fun? Right.

It was reported by credible sources that HWWBI, he who will be impeached, called Ms Speaker late last night asking if they might be able to ‘work something out.’ I ended up laughing so hard when I first heard this that I ended up crying. OMG, work ‘something’ out? Like in exchange for covering up a treasonous attempt at using taxpayer money as a mob-style strong-arm bribe to get Benghazi-like dirt on a political opponent for, say, what, a weekend junket to Mar-a-Lago? I am truly surprised that somewhere in the phony transcript that fellow felon Barr whipped up last night didn’t contain some reference to an offer that couldn’t be refused. Fuck oh dear, what’s next, taking out the heads of the five families? You want a deal don? How about this one: You and that homophobic nincompoop VP resign immediately and we’ll see about getting you a light sentence. The imagery of these two chump-hackers in jumpsuits being ‘used’ by Bubba and Chico in Gitmo lock-up is almost too much for my delicate sense of justice to take. Almost.

In case you haven’t already beat me to the punch (line) and figured out what this scenario would mean to the free world, let’s take a closer look at the sugar-sweet irony.

HWWBI and pence resign in tandem, as announced by America’s former mayor and current ghoul Rudy G. on twitter and Faux news. President>Vice President> SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE> Senate pro-tem.

This is so delicious. I can almost taste it. Strawberry Fields of karmic joy Forever. Wild Honey Pie. Savoy Truffles with sea-salt and Sgt Peppers. Coo-coo-ca fucking choo.

Let’s keep the universe smiling upon us and roll the mojo dice with the hot-hand. The streak, currently at one, will thusly be tested by the following command from the brave in the land of the free:

Resign motherfucker.

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