Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cecilia and Julio

Where have you gone Joe D?

Margin for error. It seems to funnel down to nothing but a spout  or spigot these days. Fragile, delicate and/or critical. Football is like that, especially the college game (I don’t  bother with the crass commercialism and overt capitalistic racism of the pro game), as is finding the tenuous balance that separates an overload from a perfect amount. Known as the straw that breaks the camels back, when we try to do too much, often times the result is a camel in traction. But how the heck are we to know? 

We try and we go and we take copious notes all the while. We match up the empirical with the existing and test the waters of change. This is called training with intensity. It is also called living broadly. Going for the wide experience instead of the safe, common and status quo. This can be painful. Because more often than not, we fail, get hurt emotionally and only hear the lesson that suggests taking the path of least resistance as the best route.  One of the moist interesting  rock n roll stanzas of all time (yes I know there have been many) belongs to Paul Simon with his absolutely astute observation that ‘if I never loved I never would have cried.’ A rock feels no pain. 

But we must love and hence we are bound and doomed to cry. That, dear friends (Cecilia and Julio included) is how we learn and grown. For every Ms Robinson there is a Joe DiMaggio, in as much as (I suppose) for every Graduate there are a couple of dropouts. 

I challenge you to experiment with this concept. How hard, how long, at what intensity and for what duration are you capable of going, doing and being? 

In our experiment this morning we visited (again) the upper limits of this equation. We call them high-intensity intervals and they are the spiritual equivalent of high-energy individuals. You know immediately of what, or of whom,  I speak. There are those in relentless search of optimal positive vibration and those that seem to be on a mission to suck it all from the room like vampires on speed. 

We work on the continual improvement of our physical intensities as well as the emotional and spiritual. What else is there to practice? Why not establish a regular routine with it? Move in the direction of the light (a vibration) and once obtained, hold onto it as long as possible. This pure energy is what we are made of. It needs to be celebrated and honored as the life force that it truly is. Julio knew very well the risk he was taking. 

Are you doing this? Are you doing this every day? Are you doing this every day at the appropriate intensity levels for your place in this time?  Are you appreciative of the holistic balance produced and are you sending outward the powerful examples of your leadership? There was an important march yesterday, did you go? 

Up your intensity level. Increase your vibration. Go first. Do not allow energy vampires on your bus. And if they should manage to sneak aboard, compassionately show them the way forward. 

I know this is not easy, I struggle with it every day. 

And that Cecilia, is why we practice. Ask Joe. 

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