Friday, September 6, 2019

100% Certain

I am not 100% sure how to interrupt this. Trapped between the rock of judgment and the hard place of compassion, I consider the application that best suits my current needs and highest truth. Should I be aghast that glaring mistakes have somehow managed to slide undetected into the final, printed and published text, or immediately self-motivate myself with a ‘you can do better’ cheer. A social Rorschach test if you will. 

This theme, choosing the proper response, has been a common one of late. But with the differentiation in the subtlety. I think it is fairly easy to say that the current administration, led by a shameless thief and pathological liar, is not leading by example and is interested only in the enrichment of a dirty family business and that of a close-knit cabal of crooks. That is as binary as it is black and white. There is no middle-ground insouciance of political objectivity. One either pledges loyalty to the syndicate or persists in the moral high-ground promotion of ethics, compassion and peace. Which do you see? It pains me to say this but the 'divide and conquer' strategy of modern-era republicans works as advertised. The ONE thing keeping them in power is their clear cognizance of the fact that they could never win anything if everyone was allowed to vote in a fair election. See Mitchell, Mitch as a perfect example of the extent they will go to remain in power. Because power is money and they evidently will sell their red souls to the devil in Russia to keep it flowing. This, at your expense America. 

So I sit on the deck watching another sublime setting of the late summer sun and consider what my individual response should be. I am appalled. I am furious. I am disgusted. I am saddened that almost 40% of America doesn’t care about the loss of our democracy. The utter disdain the hacking conservative hypocrites hold, hiding behind dogmas supposedly separated from the state, coupled with a blatant disregard for the rule of law and our constitution, promoted daily by a state sponsored media outlet is a cancer. Is a fucking gun, extreme bigotry and racism worth the price we are currently paying for the expressed anger, hate and self-loathing of the lemmings in red Chinese-made ballcaps? 

So small. So puny. So pathetic. I am embarrassed to have had the unfortunate mix of deoxyribonucleic acid and spatio-temporal circumstance that combined to classify my collection of flesh and carbon as Caucasian. How the fuck does the cosmic rolling of genetic dice make me in any way superior? I doesn’t. The Bible says so as does our very Bill of Rights. Science simply sees it as big brains or a small penis. 

What gives me the daily opportunity to present to the universe, and hence by default, to my fellow man, is my relentlessly changing awareness that there are things more important in this life than the collection of toys and pursuit of green swaths of paper bearing the images of dead presidents. Or the hoarding of natural resources. Or the interrupted right to bear arms of military grade fully automatic capability. Or the disingenuous and dishonest opinion that anyone the slightest bit different is the enemy, and somehow responsible for all the imagined or real failures that haunt that 40% so mercilessly. Dudes: Gays, blacks, browns, women, Muslims, fetuses, tree-huggers, granola-heads and libs ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.

Your attitudes and violent actions in response to their simple quest for self-expression are. 

The idea of putting brown babies in cages as being good policy while suggesting that wedding cakes should be illegal for same-sex couples is laughable. If it wasn’t so fucking terrifying. 

I am 100% certain of this.

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