Monday, September 23, 2019

A Soul in Crisis

Fortunately, I can say this with hope, sincerity and pride: it is an emotional paradox, the likes of which I have never experienced. In an odd way this predicament, being a new one to me, is testing the limits of my spiritual range, as well as my patience. You may call it reality, or ‘just the way things are’, or any number of other equally ridiculous compromises to sanity, but I call it a serious, code-red, five-alarm crisis of the soul. If you were thinking that my issue(s) are of the potus and his propensity to orchestrate events that can only be labeled as evil, you are wrong. Or, more accurately, not exactly right. (They are evil.)

I am perplexed, saddened and dramatically irritated at the people that find all this amusing. To be sure, his actions have been fodder for some delicious memes and headlines, but I, for one, am sickened by the callousness and laissez faire attitudes assumed by (depending on which poll you subscribe to) between 36 and 42 percent of the population. That is a kilo of hate and a ton of fear. I believe the entire US Senate to be complicit in the high crimes and misdemeanors that this administration (let’s call it more accurately a crime syndicate) enacts on a daily basis. I am truly and deeply saddened that this demographic actually agrees and even APPROVES of the colossally catastrophic crap perpetuated by this openly fascist dictatorship. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK????? 

That is why it hurts so much at both the cellular level and where it really matters, in our collective souls. The soul of America. Where there was once dignity, where once lived adherence to a Bill of Rights and a Constitution, where we respected the opinions of others, and where we once stood firmly on the platform of freedom, hope and trust, we now hang on for our very lives. Or the lives of our children in schools fortified against violent and lethal second amendment wackos, or children of color in lockups at the border, or our gay friends, women, seniors, vets, the disabled, or anyone other than old, white, rich sons-of-riches. You cannot smell this stench? I have cleansed my social media accounts of anyone spewing violent rhetoric towards my brothers, my sisters, my tribe and my home. By home I mean the planet Earth, not his insular, upper-class enclave of privilege where I can barely afford to rent a room. 

Please understand that I do not seek your forgiveness. If you overtly or are otherwise silent, and thereby complicit, actively agree with the agenda, or do so for purely power and profit, if you condone, assist, abet, or in any way contribute to this unholy current assault on American secular values, do not be surprised when you find me identifying you as a part of the problem. I am sorry this is the case. I fully realize this to be part of their insidious plan to divide and conquer, but this is urgent and we need to reestablish the loyalty to the morals, ethics and integrity we once considered characteristics to be cherished and admired. Not bought and sold for political and personal gain. Please tell me you see the difference and are appalled by the regularity with which it is violated. Please. 

We are in a real mess. America today is a cesspool of corruption. We are being sucked dry by scum ten levels lower than black mold. It is time we begin the clean-up process. I don’t care if it’s red or blue*, conservative or liberal*, black or white. It simply has to be right. For everyone, not just those whose soulless greed and inhumanity ignores the plight of the common man and discriminates against the common man of a different race, religious creed or darker color. The reality of this makes my head hurt and heart ache.  

Mine is a soul in crisis. 

* Actually I care a lot, but the point stands. 

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