Sunday, September 8, 2019

Makes Perfect

It is called practice for a reason. A very good reason. I believe it is hard-wired in all homo sapiens (Latin for wise man) to consider what might happen if we decided to seek improvement, to act on an impulse sparked by a thought presented for our consideration from a mysterious ‘higher power.’  Have you ever looked at a piece of art hanging on a wall and thought that you might have the talent to do something similar, if not better? If only you had the time, the oils, stretched canvas and brushes, the inspiration and the freedom from all your current social, filial or financial responsibilities?  

Have you, as I, listened closely to a soothing piano concerto and imagined yourself tickling the ivories? Have you progressed, as I, to a level of competency on the guitar, ukulele or drums only to realize that your trajectory of learning, growth and improvement has leveled out so flat it makes pancakes look like granite pinnacles? Has your athletic performance, as mine, plateaued? Is your writing stale and more sleep-inducing than melatonin? Is your world, the dynamic and relentlessly changing circumstance surrounding your consciousness, a friendly place? Are you happy? Are you satisfied with the methods and results of your stress management tactics? Do you, as I, think there is something more available to us if we could…just…own what we see in our mind's eye as appropriate, just, fair or something we are somehow deserving of? 

You want to know what I deserve?


You want to know what I am entitled to?


You want to know how I, as you, should deal with the reality of those pair of vulgarities? 

You do? It would be much easier to pretend that you don’t, to stick your head in the sand and ignore the reality, look conveniently the other way as the days of our lives float by like white cumulus dumplings. To see only the right when it is to the left that compassion and empathy reside. To give up, toss the towel and succumb to helplessness, despair, depression and feelings being overwhelmed by the crass harshness and mean-spirited gas-lighting from the hyper-capitalists seeing you as nothing more than a consumer of durable goods. Not you you (as I)?

It is a common default response to this farrago of modern life, and the challenges it presents to all but the richest 1% of us, to move away from the hottest part of the fire. To take a few steps back and reduce the heat. To self-medicate and numb nerves irritated, inflamed and raw. 

And we end up dumbed-down, loaded-up with toxins, mindlessly clicking through a thousand channels of digital distraction. Is anyone you know caught in the spiderweb of this insidious scenario? 

Yeah, me too. 

Accept the reality of the situation. Life is no longer suffering when we accept that it is. You can call a hammer anything you like but it is still going to hurt if you pound the wrong nail (missing the steel one a hitting the flesh one.) Red is red even to a blind man.

The only viable, positive, empowering and earth-changing solution is in our practice. The practice of being us, identifying our demons, working on our weakness’ and keeping vigilant to the power of the now. It truly is all we have. Now is your practice. 

Under these conditions we commit to the present and simply do what must be done. I don’t feel much like doing anything today after ‘my’ team lost a game late last night, but I will not discredit eternity by feeling sorry for myself, wasting precious time or lashing out. This is the opportunity and here is the challenge. It is a perfect scenario for learning, accepting, loving and growing.

It is 'good practice' because this isn’t the last time I, as you, will be placed at the scene of the crime. This is our 'good fight.' Practice your response. Respond with more practice. If perfected.

It makes perfect. 

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