Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bombs Away

That three day diatribe was kinda fun. Tossing f-bombs as if they were candy from a parade float seemed cathartic at the time. Venting steam, the pressure of which was building rapidly towards critical mass, prevented, or at least delayed, the inevitable confrontation with reality. Such is the world we inhabit today. This is what happens when truth is devalued. It is what takes place the minute we compromise ethics, morals and the most basic of positive human characteristics, kindness, for the sake of political power, gross profits and exploitation of the weak and oppressed. 

I will fess-up to the fact that after my scathing commentary yesterday on the state of the state, I felt a little dirty. Pointing light on the dark atrocities, high crimes and felonies of the current administration, all that have led us to this critical moment of truth, as formal impeachment proceedings risk a political blowback from either the base of fear or the constituents of hope, is a slimy reminder that those in absolute power face the challenge of being absolutely corrupted. These guys are so dirty, such cowardly bullies that they regularly break the law to enforce their own personal code of dis-honor. These are swine rolling in the mud of a thousand lies. They are betting on the fact that they have enough political control of lawyers, judges, senators and a rabid base of fearful bigots all screaming for blood, that they can shoot anybody on Fifth Ave with complete exoneration. They feel above the law. 

It is our duty to defend our democracy. Our rule of law at this critical moment, our very way of life and the code for which we stand, is fighting for its life against this deep state hostile takeover of our values. We are out gunned, out manned and they have the upper ground. They are out to destroy our government (starting with the free press) its 240 years of constitutional law and return it to the last remaining robber barons, the very thieves who have manipulated the system in order to pay no taxes, serve no masters and see no evil. These are the guys who drum up faux patriotism to send our kids to wars whose sole purpose is to enrich defense contractors and oil conglomerates. They are the soulless bastards who don’t mind a little grade school collateral damage at the hands of white domestic terrorists wielding fully automatic military grade weapons. These are the guys who rig elections and are terrified about losing the next one if only Americans can vote. They are bought, sold, and traded by the lobbyists willing to turn American blood, sweat and labor into cash. 

The leader of this mob is a pathological liar, a bully, a cheat, and pond scum the proportions of which dwarf the Pacific and Atlantic oceans combined. He regularly pours kerosene on his rhetorical fires calling for action with taunts of violence against the very people he swore an oath to protect. His job is to unite and he steals from the military to build walls, fences and detention centers. He openly suggests that there are very fine people on the side of fascist white supremacists, anti-gay bigots, and a well armed militia killing innocent people at concerts, dances, events and public gatherings. He sleeps with CEOs wanting to exploit and pollute our fragile environment for riches. He, they, are thugs. Whores sucking up to the few ancient, white curmudgeons whose mission statements read like KKK manifestos. 

Yet somehow we find ourselves at the crossroads. They are about to be held accountable by the laws of our land and the constitution under which we self rule. This is a critical moment in American history. We can take it back, return to a democracy based upon fairness for all or we can allow their lies, fears, misdirections and manipulations to add another layer of oppression atop the ones we currently own. 

I do not want a life where it is dependent on the suffering of others to succeed. I do not want my liberty to come from its exemption from others. I do not want my pursuit of happiness to be accompanied by the suffering of those struggling to simply survive. 

There is an existing myth that public sentiment pushes this process. That process is happening as we speak. It is the process of finding the truth, the depth of our national character and the compromises being demanded of us by a fledgling dictatorship. The process called impeachment. The I-Bomb. 

And its time has come. Bombs Away. 

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