Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lackluster Results?

I took a quick inventory of my current projects yesterday afternoon. After the grading and analysis it is apparent, at least to me, that there is room for improvement with every one of them. This assessment reinforced what I already knew, that the quality of each project can be, SHOULD be, upgraded. From the video I shot (in auto focus), the blog post I authored (the experimental three paragraph short-story), the workout (a very decent 2x20 set), the dinner I cooked (lentil soup with leftover curried rice, tuna and tomatoes from my dear neighbors garden) to the research study (I should be talking more notes) and the restless sleep causing an additional midnight read, they all share one common trait. That the process, the attention to detail and the attitude of present moment relaxed focus is the goal - not the destination as finished product. THAT will take care of itself, and be of high quality as long as each step of the way is taken with honor, respect, joy and presence. This is exemplified by a coach’s comment I heard yesterday suggesting to the swimmers hanging on the deck at 0500 swim practice that they should all ‘be grateful that you have something in your life so important that you are willing to get up at 0430 to do.’ I love that. Because it is so perfect, so real, genuine and 100% authentic. 

The same inspiration gifted to the lucky high school swimmers is the same one I considered yesterday as I sometimes frustratingly fumbled with camera, word processor, drill motor, stationary bike and spatula. Be thankful and be present. Appreciate the ride. Keep your focus and relax into this step of the journey. Run THIS mile. You cannot start and finish at the same time, there is that middle that must be traversed, endured, traveled, experienced and negotiated. The harder the climb, the deeper and more treacherous the potholes and pratfalls, the more satisfaction and value the completion of your trip will have. Songs are written about this, novels penned and movies made. This is where love lives. Our destinies lie somewhere between our first steps and our last, yet, perhaps paradoxically, each step is its own epiphany. Whatever you are doing right now (or what you will return to after reading this) put everything that you are into it. Smile on it, sweat on it and bleed on it. It becomes you. 

I am back at it today, picking up where I left off. All my projects are waiting patiently. The video will see addition by subtraction as I start the process known as the tighten up. Looks at this point that I will meet the formatting requirement requested by the three paragraph short story concept, we killed an hour of power in the club this morning and I have a Newman's Own frozen pizza ready for the afternoon college football entertainment. Arguably most important is the research from last night has added another layer of complexity to the screenplay, one I was hoping to find and fill a sequential passage of important time (1942 - 1945). I am happy being a productive guy. Despite yesterday’s lackluster test results. Or quite possibly because of them. 

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