Sunday, December 2, 2018

Yes in Every Case

Perhaps, as they say, the first step towards improvement is identifying the precise person, place or thing needing enhancement. Before one can really know what is causing the anxiety, frustration or ill will, one must track its source. From exactly where does the controversy or conflict emulate? Even more demanding can be the answering of one seemingly simple question, what we refer to as the brutally honest assessment of our current situation, the question that asks: Is this controversy, conflict or condition one of self inflictment? 

Did I create this mess? Am I responsible for these walls closing in? Have I engaged in practices that harm, injure, exploit or discriminate? Have I failed in my obligations and responsibilities? Have I intentionally or otherwise 'looked the other way’? Have I failed to speak up during or after a crime against my neighbor or all of humanity? Have I reached a compromise in my treatment of others? Is my greed, anger, lust, fear or hatred driving forces in my social motivation? 

Leading to the one question that matters most. 

Can I love more? 

Because that solves all the others, placing us in the very epicenter of the global storm which now spreads like an insidious medieval plague. 

Can I love more?

Tomorrow I will ask for an update on the assignment I ordered from the participants of my M-W spin class. This is not a large sample size for an experiment of this nature by any means, but, it IS something other than, and outside of, myself. It represents something that I can do, want to do and need to do. If for no other reason than to motivate, inspire and potentially improve the lives of the two dozen or so folks who regularly attend my sessions. That should be plenty enough, facilitating the improvement of their good health and fitness, but, as I have always asked: Why stop there? 

The assignment, as you might recall, was to take whatever steps necessary to HAVE THE BEST WEEK EVER. I checked in with the group twice this week after the decree was mandated and both times my question was answered with a splattering of applause. Which I took to be of affirmative tonality. 

All good. But now for the not-so-good. Here is what I found out in participating along with this intrepid infantry: I missed several opportunities. Flat out whiffed. Fast ball taken right down the middle for a called strike three. In each situation I could have taken just ONE MORE STEP, made one additional comment, one encouraging word, a simple smile, a show of solidarity or support, and made a much larger impact than the way I chose. 

And while I admittedly feel sad about the missed opportunities, I feel that I did learn the valuable lesson prefaced above. I have identified the weakness and have pledged to provide my focused energy towards additional awareness and respect. 

Because in every situation, before a knee-jerk, trite and hollow response, had I have had the presence and vision to ask THAT question prior to delivering my response, it would have, it COULD have ended so much better. The question, of course is:

Could I have loved more?

Yes in every case. 

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