Friday, December 21, 2018


Our power has been out since noon yesterday. Previously I posted about one of my 'more intense' memories of this seasonal occurrence, under the somewhat titular heading of Power Outage. I am used to it. IMHO the most critical tool necessary in coping with this first world problem is having a wood burning stove, a supply of dry fire wood and a sharp axe at the ready. A guy can go without a great number of luxuries with these three. I will assume here that it is understood that matches are an unnamed essential headlining any quality list of emergency tools.

It was with these items successfully employed that I endured many a Northwest winter storm. Now, sadly, in the cabin I rent, built in 1905, the fireplace caved in, they tell me, around forty years or so ago, and I refuse to fill and burn heating oil (owing to my staunch environmentalism) so I am left with two options, electric heat and propane. I have a generator but this afternoon's visit, I am also house sitting, was way too short to bother, meaning that if I wanted to warm myself for the hour I would be there, it was going to be from the propane heater.

So be it. I wanted to write and would not be persuaded otherwise by something as trivial as having no power, wifi or heat.

I grab the heater and it immediately runs dry of gas. I turn on the battery powered lamp and open the pantry door to refill, seeing the torch sit beside a new bottle and remember that the tip needs cleaning. If there is one thing that creates unwanted additional stress under these conditions, I remind myself, it is procrastination. What didn't I clean the valve last week? I look at my phone, which is charging using an auxiliary battery charger, and see that I still have time, but there is little margin for error, so FOCUS. I go out to the deck and find the deep-well 5mm socket and remove the valve, blowing to clean out both ends. Returning it to a new bottle I torch the tip and she whistles a stunningly clear blue flame along with the familiar woosh. All this was to heat my teapot now filled with cold coffee from yesterday's pot. I will be worthless without a cuppa joe to accompany me on this mission. Once begun, it will be easy as pie.

Alright. We have the heater on, the coffee warming, the phone charging and my workout bag stuffed with gear for this evening's scheduled session at the PB, where I am also house sitting. Last night was a long one on the couch in front of the gas fireplace and next to Spike the fearless watch dog who is also under my care and stewardship. He slept with his down vest I with a fleecy blanket. I trust he was warm.

Now for the main directive, to write this entry in the blog. And in doing so keep the streak alive as we are now, officially, down to eleven days.

I reposition the heater, pour a cup of day-old coffee into my favorite mug, double check the phone charger, go into my media room to grab the laptop and set it up at the kitchen table.  I am ready to go. I even have the story out-lined in my head. It will be a microscopically honest account of getting my brother to the ferry through sidestreets, over downed trees and past stalled vehicles in time for the noon sailing. It was harrowing, and I made a couple of on-the-fly decisions that I have been second guessing since yesterday.

I sit, sip and open my laptop, ready to rock.


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