Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This Becomes That

I wonder if this is that?

Stumbling down this path, the same one where we have witnessed so much beauty and so much brutality, we continually add to our bodega of experience. There is good stuff and not-so-good. There is the occasional ecstatic and the dreaded disaster or two. Most of us have, by taking either the high road or the low one, found a conform zone, roughly, somewhere in the middle. The path, our lifetime adventure of navigating through the morass, is at an interesting intersection. I do not know a single person who is immune to the ominous shadow we now are calling physic stress. It is everywhere, and everywhere all the time. It comes from Fox News, the MSM, radios, TVs, mobile devices, newspapers, magazines, tabloids, comic books and graphic novels. It is, literally, the talk of the town. There is no escape from the relentless barrage of bad news. And this sits on our shoulders like snowflakes of lead.

We have been talking about ways and means to deal with the fallout. Constructive steps we can take to avoid the toxic distractions that alcohol, drugs or over consumption offer as relief. Yesterday we even went as far as to say that stress management is now the number one item on the short list (The Big Three) one must successfully supervise if one desires good health and sincere happiness. And who desires anything else?

I added an additional couple of items this morning to the ever-growing list of actions we can preform in the management of our stress, or as I called it, converting the knowing into the doing, known in many circles as a knowledge to wisdom exchange. Knowing is knowledge but doing is wisdom. We all know, we all share the knowledge that one cannot out-train a bad diet, yet we have a national obesity rate that continues to rise faster than banana bread in a pizza oven. I added to the list:

Community service.
Random acts of kindness.

And perhaps my two favorites, not solely for the specific purpose of stress management, but for a thousand other reasons, being grateful and putting forgiveness in play.

One thing leads to another, one step further along the path, everything leads up to this day, and bang! It explodes onto my brain that at this very moment I am participating in the voluntary evolution of my soul as I fight the good fight of keeping the demons of stress off of my emotional front lawn.

I write about it. And this becomes that.

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