Sunday, December 23, 2018

Walking the Walk

Start fast and finish strong. Racing? Training? Testing? Reading? Blogging?

There is truth - at least as far as having a strategy is concerned - in the aforementioned maxim, but there is also a degree of danger. 

What if we start TOO fast? What if we go too hard in the middle and then haven’t sufficient gas in the tank to finish with a kick? 

All legitimate possibilities to which I propose the following scenario:


Our empirical experience is the best teacher. You can sit and listen to Confucius, The Dalai Lama, Plato, Blake, Whitman or Laozi as long as you like, but you will never get more value or cleaner data from any source other than your own testing. They can tell you of the art of war, of man’s eternal quest, of the here and now or of the value of service, but until that glorious day arrives where you wake up, hit the ground running and risk failure, it is all talk.

And everybody likes to talk. 

But not everybody walks the walk. 

I am going to add a stanza or to to that pithy little ditty in the hopes of further muddying (I mean clarifying) these waters. Polar bear with me. 

You can talk the talk.
You can talk about the walk.
You can walk and talk. 
But you must eventually walk the walk. (Eventually is a drawn out five syllables if you are singing.)

Use your feet more than your gums. Move in the direction of your dreams. Begin right now. There is no need, other than symbolism or procrastination, for you to wait until January first. Do it now.

Start fast: Talk with yourself and address the most important desire you hold in the strongbox of your soul (please do not fool yourself into thinking that this means losing ten pounds), and then follow with the due diligence of plotting out a game plan, something that should take about seventeen seconds as you already know that the most important step in that process is the first one, the fast one, the most crucial one. YOU KNOW THIS. Just begin and we'll make the rest up as we go. Trust yourself - it will be OK. WAY better than OK. 

The middle part is as simple as repetition. Create the good habits necessary for accomplishment of your goal. Do these EFD (every & day - you can figure the adjective).

And  finish strong. Create your flow of energy, keep adding to it. Appreciate and respect it. We call this MoJo. It is attitudinal. It is confidence, it grows and seeks expansion, expression and community. This vibration you can feel so strongly at times that your energy sparks around you, inspiring and motivating others.

It is a rule of the house that once this level is obtained it must be shared. We must show what we know.

Start fast, walk the walk, and finish strong. 

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