Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Nasty Vipers in Red Hats

If you have ever heard the adage that we learn things as a result of the things being ‘caught’ and not ‘taught’, here is yet another another example. With the preface that what this really means is that we are paying attention to the subtleties that come our way, special delivery, from that magical and mysterious source known as ‘random cosmic input.’

If I was to say to you that I actually enjoy doing research, you might roll eyes or shake heads, and I would understand. Not traditionally considered an overly fun way to schedule an afternoon, but, sometimes one needs to get off the beaten path and explore a little.

So I am off the trail with my headlamp on dodging poisonous snakes and conservative republicans, when I run across a short little video by one of my favorite people.

This favorite person is an author, speaker, former champion gymnast, martial artist and life coach. He has inspired millions, including this hacker,  with his eloquence and ability to clearly state the complexities of the world around us and peaceful options to deal with them. He is one of the amazing shamans who can honestly confirm that everything fits.

I am hurrying through the list of mundane chores so I can get back to the ‘real work’ I have scheduled for the afternoon shift. Already slightly annoyed at the speed, or lack thereof, that my semi-pirated wifi delivers the collected works of man’s knowledge to my desktop, I try to cram in a analog chore while I wait. Laundry, vacuuming and recycling done I return to my desk, eager to pick up where we left off.

But I can’t remember the exact coordinates of where that drop point was. OMG, I wail, I am finally at the intersection of Dementia and Alzheimer streets. I try to retrace steps, starting, of course, with the history tab on my browser of choice, Firefox.

Which (slowly) tells me that I have been randomly, all over the freaking place, from CNN to Sydney, the White House to Rikers Island (they are connected today), and that the most recent visit was to a page announcing an all new video message from…guess who?

My main man Dan! Seems he wants to talk to me. He has an important message sent through him, but from the center of all wisdom, peace, power and love. Whoa! I click and find him casually sitting on a professionally lit stage. He is telling a story, which is his way of doing things. Here is my memory of the story (told from memory because I lost connection again in the middle of it):

I (he) is walking down the street in San Francisco. I (me) am seeing Haight but it could be Ashbury as well, I (he) is walking towards a homeless guy who is carrying his every worldly possession on his back. As we (they) pass, the homeless guy looks at me (Dan) and says, hey I know you. I (Dan) shrug in modesty and say thanks. The homeless guy then says that he has read several of my books and really enjoys them and that, unfortunately, as much as he would like some advice, there is no way that he could afford any. He then reaches into his pocket and asks what he could get for the remainder of his net worth, thirty-seven cents.

I (Dan) consider the situation, reach into my pocket and up his new net by ten dollars and inform him that the secret to everything, the solution and the strategy for happiness and joy is in just six words. Six? he asks. Yes I (he) respond.

Be Here Now - Breathe and Relax.

Caught, not taught by the miracle of mindfulness and a little research. Pay attention and watch out for those nasty vipers wearing red hats.

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