Saturday, December 8, 2018

Five or Ten, A or B?

Have we ever determined what is the better deal, a truck load of nickels or half a truck load of dimes? (Logical answer here). The question is the back story for a conversation with my teenage workout partner. We do this often. We establish a theme or query du jour, exploring possibilities as we progress through our sessions. I like to think of this ritual as training mind and body together. Something always pops up, raising eyebrows, inciting promises of additional research, and/or further consideration. 

I also take the opportunity to check in with him on his course load, getting updates on French, Trig, History, Science and Band. Allow me to say that this exercise is humbling. When he was in grammar school is was pretty easy because I knew all the answers, but now? 

He gets great grades and works hard at it. He schedules his homework time and regularly asks for early rides to school to take part in math tutoring and to participate in his History class pseudo UN assemblies, discussions and debates. I truly feel honored to offer any assistance I can. 

Yesterday morning I asked him about his math test. He replied that it was very difficult and that the results wouldn’t be available until next week. I upped the ante by asking what made it so difficult. He said everything, from the initial equation, showing work, the formula for solving it and the pressure of the ticking clock. 

That’s great I said, sounds like a real challenge. He looks at me in the manner that says ‘maybe you misunderstood. It was super hard.’ I get the double-barrel look that removes any doubt as to the seriousness of his academic circumstance. 

OK, I get it, but please consider this my young friend: The only way for you to continue to add to your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, any subject matter, is to relentlessly ask for more and more, dig deeper and deeper. It is the same for any endeavor. In sports we say that to be your best you must play, compete against, the best. Otherwise how would you ever know? Same with music. Play, practice, rehearse, learn. And then tune it up with the best musicians you can find. Ditto with literature, science, biology, metaphysics, those pesky relationship issues, any job in Anytown USA, or a trip to Europe. If you are truly interested in developing your best character, to become the man you envision as your absolute best, you must accept challenge, step up, face it mano-a-mano and get your answer. This is growth. And it is what we do. 


Let’s cut to the chase (and keep your form) which would you rather earn, a straight A on the easiest test ever, or a B on the hardest? 


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