Monday, March 2, 2020

Something to Give


I once again rise to my feet, keeping my eyes locked on hers. She knows that I know I will need approval to accommodate her request, possibly all the way to the top. And I know that she knows that the success of the deal, any deal, will rest on one issue. The issue of actionable intel. Does she have the goods on her boss’ boss and perhaps even on the boss of her bosses boss? If this was a Mafia operation that head honcho would be known as the capo de tutti — head of all the bosses. But my suspicions all along have been that this is not an International cartel, the Cosa Nostra or even Islamic Extremists but a well organized, well funded and growing cabal of disgruntled domestic dipshits. Even their name, The Axis, implies a repulsive radical right-wing mob of hostile jack-booting fascists.

“You know that I will have to run that up the chain of command?” I say after a terse pause.

She nods her head in the direction of yes, something I have been trying to establish as a default response motion.

“You want to cut to the chase scene?”

Default head tilt.

“I can save each of us a lot of time, effort and drama if you will level with me on one item.”

This time she widens her eyes as if to show that, to the contrary, she is all ears.

“If you are not in possession of hard evidence, and I mean transcripts, orders, names, addresses, pictures, video, implicating at least two to three people higher on the Axis chain-of command, information we can use not only on the street but in a court of law as well, I cannot recommend that we make a deal, especially one that provides you with a fresh start without any additional jurisprudence.” I listen to her body language as I lay this ace face-up on the table.

She is silent, holding my gauze with unblinking eyes, rapidly processing the ramification of my best and final offer along with her unique knowledge of the quality of the requested materials. The answer is binary - a yes or a no. We are way past the maybe stage, we have successfully passed that point in the negotiation where disclosure is shared. There is no more gamesmanship, no more 'I have what you want and here is my price', and no more threats of sodium pentathol induced demands for the truth. This is harsh naked justice. Yes, I can do that, or no I cannot.

“You will not be disappointed.”

I have no reason to doubt her. Still, I feel like there is more. I hold one last card to play.

“I’ll need a sample. This is not an ideal political climate to be granting immunity to enemy combatants. These hawks would just as soon send you to a firing squad as into witness protection. You need an ally. I can do that. I can make, present and sell your request. But in order to do that I’ll need something that will act as bona-fide proof that our end of the deal will provide the necessary return on investment.” I feel like the prosecution is about to rest so I ask her as unemotionally as I am able,

“Give me something.”

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