Sunday, March 29, 2020

Black Jack


Maria is in surgery. Under her stunning new shoulder ink a RFID is being implanted. The decision whether or not to test the latest technology, living bio-metric sensors, allowing undetectable visual and audio data collection in real time was vetoed at the eleventh hour by TOM. His reasoning, conservative and safe, was that we haven’t intel on the Axis level of electronic security and therefore the risk of detection early on, effectively kills the mission. Maria will have to be eyes and ears, however the ‘standard’ bug should give us enough data; GPS, thermal sensing, changes to spatial density and VHF signals as well as counter-detection capabilities to skimming, cloning and spoofing, to have, at the start, a distinct advantage. 

Not wanting to put the cart before the horse, I consider this as we formulate the entry plan. At this point we have not made contact with the Axis, waiting for all the dust to settle in Bakersfield, which by our latest intel, it has. This is the most dangerous part of the play, the salesmanship necessary to counter the obvious questioning that will inevitably arise. There must be an over-the-top, compelling, grenade-proof reason why Maria, now reverting to her street name of Vi Hayes, using the code name of Queen of Hearts, might be considered an asset by the terrorist group she once assisted. We need a quid pro quo cover, a classic, ’I got what you need’ chip with which to ante up and get in the game. I consider the three main selling points from the other side of the felt table; 1) Vi is an expert in her field with game experience, 2) She risked her life in a bold demonstration of loyalty to their cause during the escape, 3) She has additional motivation as a result of her incarceration ordeal, which now includes surgical proof of enhanced interrogation tactics. As I write these on paper I cannot help but think that they alone might not be enough. Vi is going to have to win an Oscar to make this work, and the cameras are about to roll without the luxury of a single rehearsal. 

Drysdale knocks on my makeshift office door and asks permission to enter. I point to the molded plastic chair beside my desk and place my mechanical pencil atop the yellow legal pad. 

“With all due respect, sir, I am a little concerned about Maria,” he tells me in what I take to be complete honesty. 

Already suspecting his response, yet wanting to hear him out, I ask, “How so?” 

“She is a kid, a teenager, and we’re about to insert her into a hornets nest filled with pissed-off, bad-assed, sister-fucking, biting and stinging terrorist wasps. Sir. I am nervous and concerned that we are leading with our weakest link, sending a lamb to slaughter, sir.” 

I take a deep breath, absorb his observations and his willingness to break protocol for the sake of the team and the mission. I get the sense that he knows that he is right and also knows that I know it as well. 

“You are second guessing our strategy and tactics Drysdale, something I, up to this moment, considered beneath you. You have seen her in action, she has worked her tail off to become efficient and competent, she has skills above and beyond those we emphasize, and while she may score in the lower percentile of a few physical tests, she shines in others.” Drysdale starts to interrupt but I raise a hand and continue, “We have this one opportunity to infiltrate and destroy a formidable enemy, one that has already demonstrated its willingness to engage and its ability to acquire sophisticated and deadly weaponry, our sophisticated and deadly weaponry, and she orchestrated that assault, she knows the players and has the chutzpah to volunteer to go back into that ‘hive’ in order to spray it down with fucking bug killer. We have to take the chance. Drysdale, I appreciate your concern and honesty. But I need you to be a good soldier and do your job. Your job is to follow orders without hesitation. Are we clear on that?”

“Yes, sir, absolutely clear sir.”

“Good. As a result of our little pep-talk here I am assigning you additional responsibilities. You are now the official Queen of Hearts shadow. You are Black Jack. That ’concern’ you have for Maria will, from this moment forward, be your responsibility. Her back is now fully in your care. I need Davis to run a counter operation, so with Satriano in play and Davis and Calahan elsewhere, you have the Queen.” 

He sits silently waiting for the conversational end game. 

“Are you prepared to protect our Queen Drysdale?”

He stands at rigid attention. 

“I am, sir.” 

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