Thursday, December 19, 2019


Number Three in humiliation
No big. For just the third time in two hundred and forty-two years our elected representatives in the Democratic led House impeached a sitting president. Nixon of course had vision enough to resign after reading the writing on the wall, so as treacherously tricky as little Dickie was, history remembers him primarily as a crook. Only Andrew Johnson, for being a racist, and Clinton for being a recipient, are remembered as the two blowing their jobs. Prior to last nights partisan vote. Which makes three. Three of the forty-five presidents we have elected, via popular vote or the institution of lower learning, Vote Tech, the electoral collage, have now suffered what I am sure Kurt Vonnegut would have called a fate worse than death. Doubly humiliating when this ignobly occurs in said POTUS’ first term at the helm of America’s Democracy. 

The fallout from this is delightful. The corrupt loyalists comprising the party formerly known as republicans, or as they like to spin it, The Party of Lincoln, went down in another animated show of united arrogance. Their strategy, if you can’t beat ‘em, yell and discredit, scream and insult, misdirect and distract, paid yet another dividend of debt. Not only are they morally bereft, unconscionable and spineless, they have pledged allegiance to one thing, money, one idea, power, and one man, their pathetic leader. I would find all this to be of high comedy value if not for the fact that it is happening right now, today, in our United States. To the Republic for which we stand. The Land of the Free where we are supposedly guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

In actuality we have people losing their homes and life savings because of illness, children at the borders in cages, the worlds largest population of imprisoned felons and that pursuit of happiness leading to the nearest Wal-Mart for the latest shiny, sparkly gadget. Naturally the economy is robust but less than 40% of Americans own stock so coupled with the tax cuts for the rich in another real-time demonstration of the reverse trickle down effect, the people who voted for, wear stupid red hats and promise to vote again for a deceitful demagogue, are the ones getting hurt most from the hypocritical charade this administration calls policy. 

All the pain, every bit of suffering, the unnecessary obstacles created to simply vote, the ravaging of our fragile eco-systems and removal of safeguards policing the environment, gross domestic policies, pandering to the oil, energy, health care, pharmaceutical and gun lobbies (e.g. bribes) allow what Hillary sealed her fate in calling the deplorables - the low-lifes, racists and bigots - to run amok, celebrating and reveling in their cult of ignorance. This 41% of America is known as his base. They were cheering in Michigan last night as their King obscenely lashed out in hallow projection at the populace who fail to blindly and unquestionably follow his words. Not his actions, as leaders do, but his violent, racist, bullying, deceitful, harmful and destructively dangerous rhetorical ramblings of hate, fear and manifest destiny. 

To say that Number Three is a turd would be a discredit to our amazing gastro-intentional biological waste removal systems. He is a pile of it, a bag of it and a sack of it. I have bad news for the folks not knowing it could be stacked that high: It can. Donald J. Trump, a crooked imposter that makes Tricky Dick look like an angel and Bubba Clinton like a celibate monk, has neither Nixon’s gift of political savviness nor Clinton’s policy acumen. That leaves a mafia-boss interested in his family only, in daily battle with those that consider the constitution to be a pretty fair blueprint of governmental ideals. 

I am not gloating, this is a sad state of affairs for the USofA. We should have had the foresight, as the founders did, to take the necessary steps to ensure that our beloved democracy is faithfully upheld in time of greatest need. Incredibly, through an unfortunate  series of avoidable events - I cannot help but look back at Gore vs Bush - we find ourselves having to once again defend the sanctity of our freedom and maintain the value of our lives by-establishing the validity of the pursuit of our national happiness. 

The Senate under Moscow Mitch will never vote to remove. These evil twins share a bed with Putin. Even if Hell were to freeze over McConnell would hang around and sit on the ice. We are here on day one of the Impeachment Number Three. That humiliating stain on trumps legacy will never be removed. And never is a long time. 

Between now and then, we the people (remember us?) have the power and the obligation to execute the one deciding action that will seal their sordid fates in the history books and Wikipedias permanently. An act to remove us from the pain and suffering caused by a corrupt cabal of criminals:


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