Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I suppose I would be remiss if not to comment on the state of the state. Between menial chores, a whirlwind visit from my brother, the current video project and three workout sessions, I watched the impeachment hearings. In my never-ending battle for succinct reporting I am tempted to condense all the rhetoric, bombast, bullying, deceit and partisanship into one word. 


I am embarrassed that the party of Lincoln has sunk to the deep end of the cess-pool they once proclaimed intentions to drain. This is a cabal of swamp rats. Liars, thugs, shills, stooges and cons. They have only the united trust in corruption and personal enrichment in the hypocritical allegiance to their racist demigod mafia boss. Because there is money to be made is sleeping with the enemy of the people. The NRA, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the penal system, military-industrial contracts, tax cuts for the rich and the elimination of social programs that assist the very people who are most vulnerable. Free thinking America: WTAF?

I am not as interested in the articles of impeachment, the legal accounting of violations of law, as I am about the overall demeanor of the man who represents us on the world stage. I cringe on a daily basis as he violates protocol, established procedures, standards of conduct, and basic social norms we expect from our leadership. His crude exploitation of people, resources, minority groups, women, and has been shown, anyone who isn’t in the old boys club of white and privileged bigots, is a gross example of the contemporary status of his cult of ignorance. Andrew Johnson was impeached because he was a mean-spirited, racist prick. Nixon read the writing on the White House walls and bailed before the cops cuffed his corrupt ass to to a frozen pole. And poor Clinton. How pale the comparison to Bubba looks when matched with the self-admitted sexual regressions of the pathetic little man who sees himself a king. 

I cannot fathom how bleak it must be to apologize for a criminal who has done more to reverse a century of progress, interrupted of course by other dip-shit despots like the Bush cartel, than anyone in the history of our country. How bereft of values, morals and basic human decency must one list as qualities and character traits to lie, cheat and spend every day in denial of the truth? Their taking points are so weak, false and baseless, that at one point yesterday I was expecting to see a white handkerchief tossed from the pocket of one of the minority wonks. We give up, there are no more lies available that anyone with half a brain will believe, even our base, so we surrender. 

How much longer must we endure hearing that the POTUS didn’t negotiate a QPQ with Zelensky?  MAYBE BECAUSE THAT WAS GIULIANI’S BACK CHANNEL JOB? Or that the money was released - but only AFTER they had been busted? Fuck oh dear. 

Unfortunately there remains those that cling to the apron strings of bigotry, racism and a weird form of something known as ‘owning the libs.’  The fact that our country is now half-full of deluded folks thinking this guy, his party and their unconstitutional, criminal, violent and repulsive policies, now standard procedures, are OK, takes my blood pressure off the charts. 

The cult of ignorance is at peak power. 


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