Saturday, May 11, 2019

Quirk Pipes

Made it back in one piece last night. Slept well and this morning’s 0730 Spin Class was excruciatingly intense. In the attempt to ease back into the blogging saddle, I would like to try a capsulized ‘highlight’ version of a few of the items that caught my attention over the course of the last few days at the 1,400 miles jammed into them. Hi-Ho.

* Wherever you happen to be broadcast radio will never play the song you need to hear. 

* AM alt-right-wing talk shows (specifically those produced by Sinclair) are horrific, pandering and dangerous. 

* Depression sucks. That black hole we create in the attempt to contain the demons more often than not takes more work, is less successful and costs more than simply allowing them to run amok. 

* Gas is $4.50/gal at some pumps in California. 

* Redding remains one of the weirdest cities on Earth. 

* Transmission fluid dip sticks are not standard equipment on some Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep vehicles. 

* Free rest area coffee is not with the price. 

* Whatever the situation or circumstance, the eventual take-away is determined by our response to said circumstance or situation. 

* An undervalued area of escalating value is the field of logistical inefficiency. 

* Inflation is a bigger problem than higher taxes. 

* Times are tough for the 99%.

* I know who is responsible for this.

* I know the solution.

* So do you. 

Glad to be back. We will resume regular formatting tomorrow. 


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