Monday, January 14, 2019

I Still Don't

Three things were behind my decision to skip our regular Sunday movie ride.

Thing One: The weather was forecasted to hold a low possibility of rain.
Thing Two: I needed a day off with a bit of adventure. 
Thing Three: I wanted to conduct  video-recognizance of legs two and three of the 2019 Epic ride. 

Off at noon on Saturday, after our spin session and lifting with Junior I was anticipating a two-hour drive to the coast, giving me ample time to scout a location, set up and shoot the sunset. But, as we have seen time and time again, when out and on the road things don’t always go exactly as planned. That fact alone might be why I always pack a tool kit, extra water and a change of clothes. That I forgot my trusty thermos only cost me a few bucks in coffee refills, something I could handle. Despite my endless attempts to game the inflated expenses of modern travel, I pull into the fishing burg of Westport right on schedule even finding a free parking spot and a nearby port potty. 

Looking at the sky and the time I hurried into position on the marina fishing bridge and set up shop. I was surrounded by crabbers, solo crabbers and entire families all casting their cages as far into the Pacific as their acumen would allow, some a surprising distance. I pointed GoPro One in the direction of the pending sunset and mounted the Sony Vixia atop a telescoping monopod to use the zoom features for cut-aways and closeups. The plan was for sunset time-lapse and whatever alternating POV that would add interest to the scene; fishing boats, seagulls, the crabbers themselves and the mountains lending their profiles to the backdrop, including, surprisingly, Mt St Helens. 

Almost immediately I consider the issue that I should have packed in some food, water and some type of personal and discrete urinal apparatus. I check both ends of the pier and see nothing within a ten minute walk and I will NOT leave my gear for that duration despite my faith and trust in humanity. 

So it was a long two hours. 

The results of which I will begin to download after this filing for immediate inclusion, assuming the results are worthy, in the current video which is about to the half way point. 

The course recon opened a few doors and I have all but altered the course as a result of the on-site intel. The fact that even in early January the traffic was heavy is worrisome. If it is thick in January, what the heck will it be in August? The quick answer that we will be riding mostly during the week helps but still gives me concern.

I will post updates as the media comes available and, maybe tomorrow - or maybe never - I will try my hand on the story-telling of something that took place Saturday night that you might not believe. 

I still don’t. 

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