Thursday, November 15, 2018

Three More

Adding thee more to the list we are now calling the Terrific Trio. In the remote circumstance that you  missed the 11.13.18 post, where we listed a few juicy threesomes of relevant utility. They have, not surprisingly, started to pop up with eerie regulatory. Like when you buy a new car and feel like a million bucks cruising down the highway and start to suddenly see how many others there are of the same make, model, year and color as yours. Are they everywhere and I just never noticed before? We used to call this 'random cosmic input', but it does have a scientific precedence, half serendipitous and half magnetic ion attraction. This phenomena can be rendered, with an assist from centrifugal forces spinning in chaotic vibration, into a process generally understood to mean, ‘like attracts like’. 

An current example of this can be traced to a thought I entertained yesterday (or was the thought actually entertaining me?). I was thinking about a conversation I had with a gal in our spin class. As we were exchanging notes on subjects far from the primary reason we were together, I needed to focus on her words, to really listen, because of the background clutter and general cacophony in the cycling studio. As I did so I noticed that I was looking directly into her eyes, deeply and with compassion. It was then that I noticed for the first time, the radiant blueness and vibrant depth to them. After class, driving to do some errands, the recollection of that exchange vividly returned and I realized what a beautiful moment it was. I considered the positive energy we shared in the conversation and I started thinking how beautiful she was, and is. I considered the other ladies in my life - and how beautiful they all are. Each in their own unique manner and each with their own special blend of life’s irresistible poetic interconnectedness. Smiling I consider that the reason behind my appreciation of their contributions to my happiness could actually stem from my desire to share my happiness and appreciation with them. Like attracting like. We know that when we smile the whole world smiles with us and that misery is said to love company, so why not like attracting more just like it?

It is magnetic. The more love, joy, happiness, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, harmony, respect and gratitude that we put into our personal lives, the better the odds that they will attract similar attributes in others. We need to notice more, to see more, to bear witness to the reality of this. I see more beauty because I accept the premise that one must understand it before one can deeply appreciate it. The more I give away, the more I respect, the more I smile and laugh, the greater the chances of a reciprocal return on my joyous investment in life. 

It should come as no surprise then that the current book on tape I am engaged with had the following three gems to offer. The author, a Zen teacher, Joan Halifax, in her spiritually captivating work, Standing at the Edge, suggests there are three elements critical to the deep development of every human altruistic endeavor, we long to: 


Without taking credit, seeking approval or in the hope of financial gain. Random acts of kindness will always pay the highest dividend and return the greatest value. Because like attracts like. Try it today and see for yourself. 

Help someone. Serve someone. Fix something. 

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