Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Courage to be Happy

The parting of her ruby lips revealed the staggeringly powerful magic of her smile. I stand frozen by the beauty of the moment. Unable to respond verbally I return the gesture in a language only the soul can translate. 

There are two things that I find irresistible, eyes that see directly and deep and a smile that radiates with honesty and courage. If you show me these I will be forever in your debt. This is what I found yesterday. Or found out yesterday. 

It takes a great deal of courage to be happy.

There are so many ways we can succumb to fear. The news cycle is built around them. If it isn’t criminals plotting to rob you blind it’s terrorists at the border. Our ‘leaders’ today released a doctored video tape of a CNN reporter asking pertinent questions of the POTUS at a presser following the Dems flip of the House. The reporter has had his press credentials revoked as a result of his courage to ask the hard questions more so than the reasons given by the WH Press Corps, that he ‘assaulted’ the female staffer trying the yank the mic from his hands. This is wrong on so many levels. Maybe you are a trump loyalist and agree that any opposing points of view qualify as fake news. If you are please go away. We do not pander to idiots here. Dictators and fascists rule this way, not us. And in this usage that us means the Unites States. The first thing a dictator does is reduce or completely snuff the free press. THERE WILL BE NO OPPOSING POINTS OF VIEW. So they edit a version of the incident and pass it off as evidence that their response was both proper and appropriate. IT IS NOT. 

Ask yourself this today, if your were Jim Acosta, the CNN WH beat reporter, and a strong voice for democracy, how would you be feeling today? Would you be happy? 

Juxtaposing his unique situation to the, in comparison, mundane, routine and boringly normal circumstances in which we each find ourselves, are you happy? Do have have what it takes to be happy? Under what conditions would you be unhappy? And believe me there are PLENTY of reasons to be morose. 

That is the courage of which I speak. In this messed-up world of ours, where fear is militarized to control, manipulate and scam us, can we transcend this constant capitalistic muck, see our shinning inner light and smile through it? I know that the people I helped elect are not as interested in me as they are in themselves. This is human nature, power corrupts (and absolute power corrupts absolutely), so while we sit and watch (some of us stand and watch and others take a knee) as our freedoms are gradually and systematically stripped away in the ruthless cunning of power-drunk republicans, I ask myself over and over:


Maybe it would serve a higher purpose to be mad as hell, take my pitchfork to the streets and face the nazis nose to nose. Dunno.

My religion is kindness. Our tactics include forgiveness and gratitude. Should we decide to fight fire with fire, the world will burn in an inferno hotter than the sun. I think there is more that we can do than to passively turn the other cheek. I think we can rise above the hate and fear and disgusting ploys of the current administration as they continue their pathetic attempts to distract, cover-up and prey on the fear and hate they promote in their deplorable base.  

We can stay true to our peaceful nature, accept the reality of the day and largess of the mission at hand, and work towards the solution. I know we need to do this quick. I know we must act decisively, with large numbers and effectively. 

It will take courage. The same courage that allows us to be happy. There are signs everywhere validating this. I can smile deep inside knowing that we are right. I will fight your hate with love and your fear with peace. The fundamental knowledge of this alone makes me smile. 

Be strong. Be happy. Be true. Part those lips. 

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