Sunday, November 4, 2018

Swagger Some

Practice the swagger.

There is a HUGE difference, not seen by everyone, when a contest is underway. Most people don’t even notice, but those who do, who have the experience and understanding of the difference between playing loose and playing not-to-lose, can spot it instantly. 

The condensed version is easy to describe. A team, and because of  seasonality, I reference football, the college game specifically, takes on the character and philosophy of its coaches. This is rehearsed on a daily basis to not only promote positive technical execution, but an attitude of competence, courage and toughness that can demolish the opposition without a single down being played. With this special mojo sauce, what we used to call ‘psyching out’ the opposition, a team gets past the grill and into the heads of the other team by planting the double negative seeds of doubt and pending dread. When successful the contest has already been decided, game over. The outward appearance of this, the body language and the flow, is what today is knows as swagger. You have it or you wonder why you don’t. It is one third physical, one thing mental and one third attitudinal. One must talk the talk but more importantly walk the walk. If you can’t back up your trash talk with execution, you are nothing more than a uniformed garbage collector. 

We can practice moving towards swagger on a daily basis. You don’t need to be an all-league defensive back or a six-six H-back, you can be exactly who you are. You game might be baseball, dance, track, golf, music or triathlon, it is all the same. All you need is more attitude. And attitude comes from confidence. And confidence comes from action. And action comes from good habits. Good habits like showing up every day ready to work. 

Progress through your week like a highly structured elite athlete. Eat to fuel. Rest and recover with as much gusto and gumption as you train. Manage your stress in non toxic ways. Study film and befriend your position coaches who are angels disguised as mentors. They succeed when you do. 

Attack your next spin session as if you are in dress rehearsal for the Super Bowl (or in our world - The Rose Bowl). Practice like you have never won and play as if you have never lost. Please be humble and grateful when doing this, you will be disliked and chastised should you brag, gloat or bully. There is a fine-line here that cannot be crossed. Play fair and do not cheat. It makes winning more fun and losing not an option. 

Swagger some. And practice your celebration moves. 

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