Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The secret message uncoded

I would seem to me that IF all the politicians NOT currently taking blood money from the NRA lobby were to present the ALTERNATIVE to mass juvenile homicide via automatic military grade weapons, that we might AT LEAST have a discussion. Don't the numbers suggest that we (the good guys, the clean guys and the un-bought) have a significant advantage? Why the wait? Are they waiting for a check in the mail? This is as slimy as it gets folks, these co-conspirators are complicit in the cold-blooded pre-meditated murder of your children. They gladly accept huge cash payments to ensure the will of the NRA (sell more guns and ammo) while using the tired and shady propaganda untruths (not the time, second amendment, freedom, gun culture) to cover their crimes. And they are crimes. This is not unlike mafia contract money. You want a snuff, it'll cost ya.

AND AMERICA BUYS IT. Or, more accurately, enough of America to make it happen.

This sad fact, more than anything, more then the covert ops to further pander to the rich, to divide America, to wage war, to sham health care, capitalize medicine and drugs, to privatize jails and pass laws that fill them, to racially stir the pot, to marginalize women, to illegally detain, interrogate and deport people of color, to pollute, to sell and profit from our national parks and monuments, to discourage research in energy technologies, to stack the judicial deck with conservatives wanting only to further control the white supremest agenda, etc, etc, etc. More than all these felonious atrocities is the pathetic level to which we have sunk as a result of allowing our kids to be sitting ducks in the shooting gallery of the republican carnival.

My fellow Boomers, this shit is going down on our watch. Our constitution, our democracy, our morals, our remaining virtue, the integrity we once took for granted, and our very humanity, is all at risk. We need a 911 call. We need ER triage. If our current course is not corrected FUCKING QUICK, we will run out of time and watch helplessly as Fox News reports on another shooting and again blames Obama and/or the FBI.

Long game: Vote the bastards out. Short game: Make some noise. Tell them you are mad as hell and you're not going to take it any more. Call your congressman. Write a letter to your local editor. Go to a public forum. Very short game (today): Be kind. Be grateful. Forgive. We cannot win this round with the same brand of energy that created it. We cannot hate back, yell louder, build walls or stockpile ammo. If we return fire, we lose. We need to stay frosty Booms. Chill. We are smarter than they are, and I will bank on smarts any day of the sporting week.

We must love our brothers and sisters. When we are (finally) one, there will be no stopping us and we can return this chaos to calm. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from our copious mistakes of the past. They will always have more money and more faux power than we. But they will never, NEVER have more love, or the energy to enact positive change.

And that, my friends is the secret answer uncoded. You cannot hate something that you love.

Inside the scary looking squash, a tasty meal awaits.

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