Monday, January 15, 2018

The Debate

One of the things that drew me towards endurance sports was their demand. Not saying that 100 meters all-out is a walk in the park, but taking it 26.2 pretty much implies that somewhere along the way you are going to have to manage pain.

Learn to manage it. Deal with it and get better every time out at a winning the internal dialogue that makes the case for slowing down or quitting altogether.

If you have run a marathon, or finished an IM with one, you know of what I speak.

Additionally I like using these practices in other, non related facets of life. I'll give you an example that played out last night, this morning and is still far from over.

After Saturday's whirl-wind quick turn to San Diego I was dealt a second go around of that nasty flu virus that appears by all reports to be epidemic. It kicked my butt. So last night, as I am house/dog sitting for three folks, I decided to try the sleep strategy. I took my book to bed with lights out at 1900.

And I agonized all night, looking at the red LEDs, trying to relax and heal. I got up at 0500, fed one hound and drove to feed another. It was apparent that I was far from a miracle cure. Had no idea how I would fare with my 0845 spin class, but we made it through in perhaps my easiest session on record.

It was in the shower that 'the voice' started in. Call RG, tell him you are sick and you'll see him tomorrow, same with weight lifting with Junior.

I tried to make a positive assessment and rally, but I was losing the debate miserably.

Finally I played the 'be a role model' card and that seemed to work. Made breakfast for Dad, administered meds and washed dishes. Drove to Juniors and tried my best to Zen it out for 45 long minutes.

Drove back to dog two, let him out, back to dog one, same and back to the cabin/office.

I am tired. It has been a long day.

But I won the debate.

I should get my hip fixed and start to train again.

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