Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Usual Restrictions


I nod my head in tacit appreciation keeping poker faced and neutral. There is a pause and TOM continues with his opening brief.

“The leader of the local Axis cell survived the takeover raid, albeit at a cost. He has undergone massive head trauma and medical procedures have been, to date, successful in keeping him alive, again at the bare minimum of the definition. He is paralyzed, remains in a coma and has yet to speak a word, BUT, the lead surgeon expects enough of a recovery to allow some form of communication in perhaps a month or two, assuming the trajectory of his recovery continues to be linear.” I am fascinated by this report and ask for more detail without speaking. 

“We think it might be a good play to have you pay him a visit and establish that while his chances of recovery are good his chances of exoneration are not. We feel that the connection of your continued involvement might be enough to force his flip. Take him a bouquet of flowers and a get well soon card. We think he is smart enough to connect the dots between his taking to us and a permanent vacation at Gitmo.” I continue to be amazed at this turn of events. It is a gigantic stroke of good fortune for us and serious bad news for the Axis. I press TOM with a question in that regard. 

“The only intel we have of recent activity indicates chatter regarding a resurgence in activity around Los Angeles, San Diego and Houston. We have two teams working it but so far, not much. That situation is, to a great degree, why you are seated where you are at this very moment. We need to press the people we have and squeeze them for whatever juice we can get.” TOM graphically states. 

“And the high-school hackers?” 

“Precisely. The one wanting to chat with you is in an off-book high-security juvenile detention center near Bakersfield. We know from legal they will try to keep the case in juvenile court despite the fact that the perp has now turned eighteen and could be tried as an adult. Then there is the enemy combatant issue. We think this is enough to bargain with. Be advised that we, as always, will get serious heat from the feds on any plea that includes immunity, exoneration or witness protection — unless we can trade up, substantially up.” 

“Understood.” I immediately recognize this as the standard response from both sides, the government, the intelligence communities and us. My job is to get the perp to talk, trading information on the who, what, where and how of the fledgling terrorist organization of which they have played a key part in several recent felonies, all crimes with the severity to levy something in the neighborhood of life behind bars, even as a juvenile, and all without the possibility of parole — in exchange for the proxy of freedom and a fresh start. I have been in this unenviable situation before. It is not fun. 

“Start immediately, you have official clearance to work your brand of interrogation magic, with the usual caveats and restrictions.” TOM says in closing. I agree to terms and ask if there is anything else.

“Yes, because I knew you would eventually get around to it,” he says again glancing at his watch for emphasis, “no other background on the teen hacker, all the usual; broken home, abusive father, alcoholic mother, brilliant student, quiet, withdrawn, aced the SAT.”

“Participation in activities, sports? I ask.


“Music, drama, art, anything resembling a social agenda?”

“Computer science, classic idiot savant.”

“Sounds like the typical profile of the troubled modern kid.” I say. Pause.

“What’s his name?” 


“Her name.” TOM corrects my use of the pronoun. 

“OK, her name,” I return, mildly irritated at being caught in a sexist assumption. 

“Violet Hayes.” 

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