Monday, January 27, 2020

Interrogation Will Tell


Team Five is down to three, Davis, Neumann and Calahan. Davis does the math, a real-time inventory to determine their next move. Cap is down, Saunders missing, Drysdale partnered with Bogart and Bromden on his way back from the crash site cleanup. He opens his log book and calls Newmann from his lookout and Calahan from his bunk. He addresses them in a serious, precise manner. 

“This is an extract. Usually done with four, two per vehicle. We are going to have to do it with three. Let’s take a minute to review Live Extract Bravo protocol. Calahan will take the lead block, Neumann and I in the rear extract vehicle. One shot, one canister, tie and tag.” The two listen intently ‘seeing’ the operation in detailed steps as they listen for further instructions.

Davis continues: “We need them able to talk. Let’s assume there are four. They will roll out either from left or right side, probably two and two. I’ll take the starboard and Neumann the port side. Get them tied and into the follow vehicle as fast as possible. Calahan will provide cover. Once they are secure, Neumann will transport back as Calahan and I do a quick gear sweep. Do not attempt to remove them until we are back and able to assist.” 

Davis looks at his watch. “They should be coming around in ten minutes. Any questions?”

Both Neumann and Calahan take deep breaths but stay silent. They know the drill.

“Let’s get ready to roll, we go in five.” Davis stands and puts a clenched fist between them. His gesture is mirrored by the others in a short and symbolic ceremony of solidarity. 

“Show time.”

Calahan brings the first Expedition from the garage while placing his assault rifle on the passenger side. Newmann checks his weapon as they ease from the driveway ten meters behind. Davis sits shotgun with a grenade launcher. He is changing out the payload from explosive to smoke. The canister also contains a non-lethal dose of a chemical eye, nose and throat irritant. The flash, smoke and toxins all but paralyze anyone unfortunate enough for it to be used upon. They call them stingers. 

They round the first corner where Calahan pulls to the curb behind a Dodge SUV. From this position the van will pass the intersection at a T. With the engine running he reaches into his pack, pulls out the gas mask and slides it over his head. Newman finds a spot about four cars lengths behind. Neumann and Davis mask up. It is now wait and hope. Wait for the purps and hope there is limited civilian interference.

The wait is a short one. 

The van shows right on time. Both drivers check their sixes and ease into drive. The van passes the intersection and Calahan stomps it. Newmann follows a second later. Calahan hard lefts and is instantly in front of the van. Once centered he slams the brakes, sets park, grabs his rifle and paints a red dot on the van’s tinted windshield. Newman is a second behind but already on the rear bumper of the suddenly immobilized van. Davis jumps and takes his shot. It enters crashing the rear window and sending a blinding light into and then out of the van. Neumann moves quickly to the drivers side, weapon and snap-ties drawn. Davis tosses the launcher into the Expedition, grabs his rifle, and moves to the van’s right side in five purposeful, graceful strides. 

The drivers side door opens with a creak, smoke pushing the driver to the street as he coughs. He is met by Neumann and hog-tied. The passenger door opens next showing another coughing perp trying to decide whether to cover his eyes or raise his hands. Davis ties. Davis is waiting for the next hitter as the pair are escorted to the follow vehicle for transport. Nothing. No movement. Davis inches closer trying to see through the smoke. It will completely dissipate in another minute or so, but the chances are good that someone, a neighbor, or the driver of the Buick Regal that passed them, have called 911. They have to clear the area. Davis pulls the side door of the van open. Nobody left. He signals for Calahan to transport giving the ‘clear’ sign. He steps into the van and sees a low-budget surveillance system tethered to a laptop. He grabs the computer and heads to the lead vehicle. As he turns the corner an Emergency Response vehicle screams towards the site. 

Davis is already thinking that for just two guys Live Extract Bravo might have been overkill. 

Interrogation will tell, he thinks as his cell phone indicates an inbound from Bogart. 

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