Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Single Cannoli


Tilting upwards I close my eyes and relax into the headrest. A thousand questions swirl in my mind like a desert dust-devil. In an attempt to categorize the intel into manageable sub-sets I choose the usual approach: Two columns, one with the header ‘What we do know” and the other “What we don’t know.” The latter fills the page instantly. 

The imbalance prompts an inquiry. I begin with the basics, columns A + B. We know that cell-networks are the life-blood of insurgents. We know that Team Five’s mission was to plant Saunders into deep cover with an insurgent cell. Which one? What intel does Five have on cell specifics? Does the imminent time frame indicate continued propaganda or terrorism? Where do the dots of the aircraft build-up point? Is this politically motivated or just a business transaction? 

TOM is right. The first order is to debrief Saunders and see what she knows. 

I rub my eyes with the intention of taking a break. It has long been my experience that answers or solutions are often formed when ‘walking away’ from the core issue. Immediately I recognize I am now dealing with the big three: I am tired, hungry and thirsty. Multi-tasking the response I open the tan cardboard box, peek inside, and smile. 

Somebody has done their homework. With great ceremony I cradle the tuna sandwich and admire its perfection, swatting away the notion that the seedy whole-wheat bread might be tastier lightly toasted. As I take the delightful first bite I see in the box three thick green dolmas lined up like sea lions sunbathing on a rock. I savor the sandwich but can’t help but imagine the eggplant, zucchini, peppers and olive about to follow. Absorbed in this blissful Mediterranean gourmet moment I reach to inspect the thin white pastry wrapping that hides dessert. I coyly do so with one finger to delay the gratification. There she sits. A single cannoli. 

I press the service button and the attendant appears as if I had rubbed the side of an Arabian brass lamp. 


“Would the possibility exist that the galley holds a small pot of coffee?”

“Cream and sugar sir?”

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