Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Rule of Gold

Choosing from the millions of available options, narrowing them into an elite dozen and then painstakingly selecting ONE, is the format. And no, we aren’t taking about college football, we are taking about that ONE overriding mantra, philosophy or ideal that we employ and empower most often and most successfully. This of course when the going gets a touch, or severely, tough. We don’t need them when the sun is shinning its generous and benevolent light upon our smiling faces or when birds are singling in congratulatory and joyous three-part harmony. Nor do we need them when our health, fitness, personal relationships and financial status all check in with glowing affirmations. But take ONE of those out of the equation, suddenly lose your ability to ambulate, breathe, love or afford medicines that treat the myriad symptoms of imbalance, and BOOM, we go screaming for reasons, people to blame and/or some esoteric answer to the hidden meanings behind our sudden fall from grace. 

In situations like these all the ‘keep your chins up’ ‘hang in theres’ and ‘don’t take it personally’ memes don’t have quite the bite they did when offering them to someone else. When they break and enter your house, invade your consciousness and attack and defile your most valuable possessions, the, shit, as they say, gets real. 

With this alarmingly common circumstance in mind, and for the record I am one of those who’s ignorance of the potential for catastrophe cost me my house in order to pay for outlandish medical bills, consideration for a spiritual self-defense when faced with hardship, extreme or otherwise, is something I thought important to inspect. 

Again using the inverted funnel imagery, I am attempting to condense a ten thousand word disaster preparedness essay into something that will slide through the small opening where only the truth of reality can. 

What makes its way to this sacred space must be altruistic, accessible and absolute. There is no situation or circumstance that it will not be appropriately useful. It must motivate and inspire equally from the harmony of its vibration and the truth in its beauty. It has to be right, fair, just, peaceful and applicable in any city, state or country, for all people of all religions, young and old, male or female, rich or poor. 

Some may suggest that aphorisms of this ambition might be obsolete in modern civilization. There are simply too many splintered special interests to have one tag-line seamlessly apply to everyone. After all, even the golden rule has been modified, over time and by stand-ups, to warn that the doing must be done before being done unto you. Yikes!

This is a challenge. Consider for one minute what might be applicable for you? What is your go-to default slogan? What works for you, your team, neighbors, local government, federal and global? What keeps you a contributing member of your tribe, especially when the barbarians are at the gate? Or for that matter what is the barbarian mantra? Is the hunter getting captured by the game? 

Let’s back up and agree that the golden rule I insensitively joked about above is a good place to start. One cannot go wrong, are you listening barbarians? with a ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ credo. That would solve a lot of problems. However, I would like to add my own personal favorite, perhaps as an asterisk, perhaps as fine print, to the wisdom to the aforementioned rule of gold. 

I have created a semi-portmanteau specifically for this exercise. It is a combination of the empirical lessons and the ways and means to respond to them. It reflects both the practical and the potential of our fragile existence in this fleeting moment of eternity where every action flutters across time and space into dimensions of energy and light. It keeps me going. 

When knocked down, get up. And resume your practice. 

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