Thursday, November 21, 2019

Practice the Solution

We know that if one wishes to change a situation, a circumstance or to resolve an issue, let’s call it a problem, one must own the knowledge and use the wisdom that the same energy that created the problem, cannot be the same energy needed to fix, change or improve it. 

We might investigate the meaning of the term energy here in order to better understand this axiom. It is my interpretation that the author of this altruism had one type of energy in mind when she put pen to paper. 

It is the meaning of quality. It isolates the wide chasm separating the values of energy types. There are several but for this exercise we are concerned with the two most prevalent. 

1) Positive energy, and
2) Negative energy. 

It doesn’t take a masters in physics, or a degree in sociology to see the truth in this matter. The issue is, in my humble opinion, that we aren’t familiar enough, or don’t see the need to practice the acts necessary to increase the one while decreasing the other. As a practical example, when was the last time that you intentionally, with focus and mindfulness, sat with, and assessed the current quality of your energy?

Most likely you answered that in the same percentile as 99% of your peers. Never. 

Changing the value of energy is something that we can practice. We start with what we’ve got, where we are and make take an inventory of the ratio of positive energy to negative. How we feel is usually the starting point. Are we in a funk? Are we distracted? Are we sad, angry, upset, anxious, frightened, intimidated or stuck with the paralysis of analysis? Those are all negative energy types. 

Conversely, are we happy, enthusiastic, flowing, loving, caring, nurturing learning, supporting, creative, moving and promoting the same in our tribe? 

We can practice converting the former to the latter. One step at a time. 

We do this every day when we gather to exercise. In doing so we stimulate the mind and cultivate the positive energy that becomes blocked when we succumb to the pressures of life in the modern age. When we swim, run, bike, stretch, lift, walk, sing and appreciate the rampant beauty that surrounds us, we release powerful enzymes, hormones and chemicals into our bloodstreams which create the ‘feel good’ emotions we naturally associate with happiness, well-being and success. 

This is one take on the meaning behind the above quoted aphorism. We practice the elemental parts of organic creation of positive energy in the same way that we might associate with building a house. Brick by brick. One stick at a time. Momentum will grow and your investment will soon provide a compound return on investment as you create something out of nothing. The transfer of energy types is one of the most profoundly empirical transformations we can make. We can actually feel the rise on our metabolic vibration. 

Should you currently be, as is every one of us, struggling with a problem, first recognize that it is universal, and then examine with as objective an analysis as you can, the energy that created the problem (fear?) and the solution necessary for its resolution (love?) 

And then practice the solution. 

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