Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Bigger Tumbler

It was with both sadness and anger today that I unfriended a(nother) FB friend. This time it hurt. Someone I have long respected - but also suspected of being ‘one of them’ removed all doubt. The shared post was a comparison of the valor of Pat Tillman to that of Colin Kaepernick. It made me sick to my stomach. Tillman, if he could be here today, would say - I am quite sure -  that his sacrifice was to protect the right of all Americans to the freedom of speech. Kaepernick is equally heroic in his attempt to call attention to the brutal plight of the black American male at the hands of ‘biased’ police. In the meme one was labeled a hero and the other a sissy. I will edit my opening sentence by saying that I am no longer sad to have had to use the unfriend tool. But I remain angry. I forgive but not forget. 

Shifting gears, because I have found it psychologically painful to wear the moccasins of others too long, and as an update on the current project, here is the last (I hope) ADR VO copy. Additional dialogue recording voice over for the Groove Zone The Movie video. 

We ride in mud, across bridges, on asphalt, gravel, chip-seal and over railroad ties. Anywhere to connect the point A of adventure with the point B of exercise and a healthy lifestyle. It’s the fun part of dynamic flow - spinning through the groove zone. 

I kinda like that one, maybe because it is another step towards the fulfillment of the posters tagline which suggests that we ride to find the paradigm of eternity, which I knew to be a ‘good one’, as a result of the poster design artist asking about it. Anytime someone, especially should that some one be a creative type, looks at copy and immediately asks ‘what does THAT mean?’ I know we have a keeper. 

It means whatever you want it to mean. Same as the above blatantly incorrect, downright wrong, low-brow and racist comparison of two one-hundred-percent American individuals with way more than simply football and US citizenship in common. It is also the same as the riding analogy, the aphorism of connecting, or combining, the dots of adventure, enjoyment, good health, fitness and healthy lifestyle choices to enhance our quality of existence. It is our choice of interpretation. There are some rules however as displayed by the ignorance, hatred and fear in the first example and the freedom, hope and virtue in the second. Our choice. 

That choice is - should be - our expression of respect. We respect this opportunity in grateful reverence because we recognize the dramatic impact we are all capable of having to ourselves as well as to each other. We see the tumbler as half full - and realize that with a little more effort, with just a tad more intensity, focus, gumption, glee, motivation or tolerance - we could fill it to the rim. Maybe even to the point where it starts to overflow. Which is a beautiful moment. It is not limited and supplies will never run low. But we have to commit and let go of the existing limiters that have caused us to see the tumbler as being half empty all these many happy hours. 

I am genuinely excited to be on the verge of finishing the video project. This seems to be one of those precious magical moments, for it seems that my creative enthusiasm is indeed about to runneth over.

And that is fine. I’ll get a bigger tumbler for the next one.  

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