Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day. Despite the global political reality of hate, fear, war, greed, injustice, intolerance, misogyny, cruelty, anger, distraction and gas lighting propaganda, there remains a lot to be thankful for. I recognize that to begin with a negative (or three) is not the most cheerful way to open a post, but I think it important, today, to do so. I also believe, with conviction, that the best way to turn them 180 degrees is to identify them. 

Which we do with awareness, honest intention and a completely different grade of energy. Unless a last resort, we do not fight fire with fire, take an eye for an eye, or extract revenge upon those that have harmed us, the members of our tribe or those in our outwardly expanding community. We dial up the forgiveness vibration and offer love as a antidote to hate, courage as same to fear and peace as a viable replacement to violence. I know this sounds like a hippie panacea but it is the only way that lasting change can be summoned into existence. The only thing that fighting fire with fire brings is more scorched earth. Same with the eye for an eye, as we end up a planet where the cyclops rules over the land of the blind. We must offer something for the current blight. If we could genuinely agree to a quid pro quo of general benefit for all people, from housing to education, jobs to retirement bennies, medical care to environmental protections and perhaps most importantly a nuclear weapons agreement, we might have something appealing to everyone, red, blue, lib, neocon, gay, native, pro-life or pro-gun. Right?

Or is it, as some suggest, more matter of culture, or lack thereof? People ignorantly want validation for racist stereotypes and more of what the coastal elite appear to have in spades? If this is truly the case, we are destined for a long, painful go of it. Because we must change that culture from the current negative to a sustainable positive. Pronto! The world is on fire and kids are being mowed down like tall grass as one group defends an antiquated and obsolete definition of a constitutional amendment by using lies, deceit, lobbying millions and preying on the fears of those already blinded by cultural myopia. 

We don’t need to bury the hatchet as much as agree to its utility. There are times when an axe can be the right tool for the job. Let us ensure that it is used for that and not to inflict pain, suffering and carnage upon innocents. Let’s cast our gaze forward and embrace technological change, regardless of the temporary dip in margins currently exploited by the one percent. Let’s get real with Wall Street, Big Oil and Big Pharma. I considered this morning writing another will. So my brothers and sisters who are left to clean up my mess have a script. I considered euthanasia and under what circumstances it might be applicable. I am sure that mine are similar to yours. BUT, have you ever considered why it is illegal and who was responsible for legislating the choice? How about the Health Insurance lobby. There is big money in sickness and the end of life. They want it and lose it when you’re gone. 

I am thankful today that we take our good health and fitness into our own hands and decide on our individual quality of life issues. We choose to be active, move, dance and spin. I am thankful today for those with whom I share these values. I am thankful for the opportunity to share. I am thankful for the people yet to see the light of this energy and its potential. They are the ones we need to share more of ourselves with. They are not the enemy. 

I may not agree with their reasoning, philosophies or political viewpoints but I refuse to create an artificial category that further divides us as Americans. We are in this together and only when united do we scratch the surface of our vast potential. 

So today, let’s share. Reach out. Empathize. Wear the other’s moccasins. Call a truce. Share a toast. Raise the vibration. Here’s to us! Salute. And please remember to eat some spinach today. 

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