Monday, July 15, 2019

This Should Be Fun

‘…unreflective execution of intricate skilled performances.”*  Don’t ‘over-focus’ with contrite movements designed to foster form over function. Practice perfectly and then transition from the practice to the play. Let it go. Relax. Lean the flowing, natural rhythms associated with your sport in order to put them into play come race day, or, as we noted yesterday in the post on rumination, allow your movements to automate a deeper synchronized flow-state that promotes organic thought. We have all witnessed this as we run, ride or rip a single up the middle. In that place known as the zone where times slows, utilities unite and the sub-conscious considers its potential we recognize the magic as present. At this point we have the hammer. This is good we say, keep it up. 

This trajectory is established and sustained through acceptance of the magic and its judicial use. If we see it as something that comes around once every blue moon, we miss the optics of the quarter moon, the half-moon and the silver crescent moon. The absolute splendor of a summer full moon is something that we can use to our advantage every day, even if they are grey, rainy and overcast. 

Listen to the natural rhythms created by the wind, the rain, the water. Hear their complex patterns and join in the virtuosity of the cosmic symphony. Feel your heart-beat playing quick counter-measures to their dramatic percussion. Join the band. These natural rhythms are everywhere playing a non-stop solo with the selfless aim of simply inspiring the dance. There is specific, scientific, physical reasons why we hear these sounds, and then there is the interpretive emotions that take noise and convert it to sound. Lastly those sounds combine with our appreciation and consciousness to create music. How sad it must be for the canary to be misunderstood or the rooster to be muted. 

We can use this in our training and racing much as the Zen practitioner uses zazen and walking meditation. We can merge our awareness with reality. We can hear the heart-beat of the universe and join forces in a powerful duet of inspired movement and energy flow. We can hear it or we can create it. At the start of many events I will decrease the surrounding ambient noise, still my mind and ask in solemnity for the sun, wind, birds and beasts to join me in this pending adventure. I ask that my energies be pure enough to add to the mix, as I respect those around me in order to manifest our combined optimal joy, gratitude and effort. 

Once my small prayer has been completed, I am ready to race. I will honor all competitors by giving, gifting my best effort, knowing that will make them better as well. 

Almost always, moments before the gun, once this ritual has been offered, I will inevitably smile. There is great power here, I am in tune with the rhythms of the world, relaxed and ready. I know this will not be easy. I also know that it is the degree of difficulty that offers these great rewards to those willing to test. It is incredible to actually feel endorphins and adrenalin begin to flow, prepping for the dance. 

It might be habit or it might be ritual or it might be a jump-start motivational technique, but once all this has been checked of the list, invariably I say aloud to any who might hear,

This should be fun. 

* Cutting Rhythms by Karen Pearlman. Practical Exercise, becoming aware of the rhythms of the world.

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