Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Law

Law of Attraction

As if he needs more credit, Albert Einstein also gets this one right: The most important question anyone will ever have to address is whether or not they consider the universe to be, or not to be, friendly.
I do.

I do despite the countless bull cookies that have fallen from the sky on my poor head. Seriously, I can honestly say that despite my (well) below the medium income I have the one thing that always rises towards the top when questions of goals are asked. I am happy.  I have an abundance of it. I have it by the truckload, in spades and sometimes have so much I don’t know what to do with it all. In other words, I trust in the friendliness of the universe to provide what I ask for. 

Asked if I might trade some of it for cash, I answer no thank you very much. It is not for sale. I will give it away, but not sell it. 

I am off on this tangent today because there has been a consciousness bombardment of hyperbole the last few days. One of the bombs is, as mentioned yesterday, from the book I am currently absorbed with and the other the audio book to which I listen while driving. Serendipitously both authors have chosen the same topic, arriving from different paths and for different reasons, they each weave their tales and ask for consideration on the subject of gratitude. 

Rinzler in Buddha Walks Into a Bar cites the six paramitas of:

Joyous Exertion,
Superior Knowledge.

Did you happen to catch numero uno? Generosity and gratitude go hand in hand. Like the happiness example above, once abundance is achieved, or during the process of obtainment, or even with none at all, one can be generous. Generous with their time, their energy, their community involvement and their spirit. 

In her blockbuster self-help franchise, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne asks us to visualize five things that we each have to be grateful for. Because, she says, the Law of Attraction states that once seen in the minds eye, that generosity of spirit will manifest as gratitude and attract even more to the consciousness of the beholder. What a wonderful challenge, to deal with an overabundance of generosity and gratitude! Dan Millman used to ask: How good can you stand it? 

The powerful combination of generosity, gratitude and abundance is available to each of us right now. Consider your attitudes. Are you generous? Do you say thank you enough? Do you have an abundance of something? 

I asked the small group assembled this morning for our ritual Wednesday 0530 spin class to consider one thing that they are grateful for. See it as we work our bodies and relax our minds. That one thing that we hold with great regard, for which we are truly grateful. 

Can we be generous with the emotions that manifest? Is this love? Can we, could we, ever have too much? 

The Law of Attraction suggests otherwise. That we will, like an electromagnetic force field, bring the thing into our personal space that glows brightest in our consciousness. That might explain why I am so happy. I want, I expect, more. All of it and all the time. I get what I need and what I need is happiness. More than anything else. 

I have so much gratitude. It is truly an abundance. I share this with you today as a small way to be generous with it, to pay it forward. 

It’s the Law.

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