Friday, July 5, 2019

Glad It's Over

I am glad it’s over. As you may have deduced from yesterday’s stream of consciousness update, it was a rough day. I am not a fan of the way that we (and by saying we I mean us) have spun the Forth of July in a similar agitprop way we have with Christmas, Memorial Day, Labor Day and OMG President’s Day. And let’s not even breech the idea of Dads and Grads. Unabashed, unfettered, unimaginative runaway capitalism with a seamy undercurrent of power, control, profit, white supremacy and fear. Let’s be put it as clear as I can. America is sick. Our mosaic of freedom is in tatters, dying of neglect and vandalism. 

I struggled all day trying to see past the bullying, fear-mongering, distraction and shallowness of our current so-called leadership. They are all paid actors, backed by the big-business interests (profit) of multi-national corporations who seek further control and further domination in markets they already exploit, manipulate and spoil. This is a democracy? We (the US again) have such a sordid and shameful history that no amount of money could ever hope to repair. Knowing this, the current tactic is to cover up, lie, distract and use all the tried and true fascist methods of mind control in a relentless barrage of propaganda and political might. Strategies not becoming of a nation once considered leaders of the free world. Today we are no better than even the most brutal third-world dictatorships. We just have more money and a bigger army. 

I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed of my government. Worse yet is that fact that 40% or so of my fellow Americans consider the country to be on the right path and actually approve of the president and his cabal of clowns in charge. There are only two reasons why, one is obvious, the rich, that invisible 1% towards whom all legislation is directed, and two, being overtly racist has been normalized and inhumane tactics, violence and humanitarian crimes legitimized. By the fucking president and his staff of republican frauds. Divide and conquer, or in this case divide and stay in power. This makes me sick. Right, and since I already suffer from this pre-existing condition it would be an excellent time, being distracted by corruption and stupidity, to reduce my health-care benefits and social security and limit my Medicare. 

How does this assist in making America even one iota greater? I do not feel any better as a person if in anger for the harassment and oppression of my government I go out and kick a poodle in the teeth. Are we really destroying our environment for the sake of enhanced margins for big oil? Is it truly, on any level, morally conscionable to put immigrant kids, seeking asylum to better their lives (lives ruined by US foreign polity in Central America) in cages and deny them basic care as they wait for a miracle of bi-partisan legislation? Warning: Do NOT hold breath. 

To say I am conflicted would be a gross understatement. This has to change. We (US) must act in the present to atone for the past and move to the future as role models. We must lead by action. Role models for the things we love to say are the backbone of our democracy, the constitution and our model of government based upon it. We are doing exactly the opposite of that right now. We are an embarrassment to anyone with the common sense to see past the bright and shiny hollowness of our put-on character. We cheat, we lie, we steal, we bully and we promote the single most morally incorrect slogan ever concocted, that we, we of pale faces, are the chosen race, somehow superior and created to manifest this destiny.


We are noting more than sheep being herded towards slaughter. The image of the POTUS giving a speech on the greatness of America through bulletproof, rain-soaked Plexiglas yesterday perfectly portrayed the tears I shed for the Naive Americans, veterans, kids of color, gays, Latinas, artists, students, the homeless, those disabled, seniors, the disenfranchised and disillusioned and every person from Maine to the Mexican border who’s life and pursuit of happiness is now compromised as a result of the policies and relentless propaganda puked forth by the crime family currently calling the shots. 

This, as a Caucasian American with a conscience, bothers the hell out of me. 

Happy Fifth of July. 

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