Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adaptation to Reality

Sandwiched between trip preparations like a thick tomato slab, progress is slow. Finding the missing battery charger for the old Canon Power-Shot - with wifi - in the plastic bin of miscellaneous cords and cables is like trying to grab one stand of spaghetti from a boiling pot. I know, at lest I think I know, that it is here somewhere. 

And then there is the media mystery. If you have been following along you know that I deleted an entire projects worth of media after what I thought was a finished, rendered, transferred to proper file format and saved hour-long video masterpiece. Masterpiece by my standards not being the same as Tarantino, Coppola or Nolan’s, but completed without comparison none-the-less. It was with superhuman patience that I accepted my fate after learning of the closing credit typos and committed to the post production technique auspiciously known to editors world-wide as ‘the fix’. Annie used to say one must, ‘roll up your sleeves, get in, get dirty and get out’. That sums it nicely. And of course in the process of accumulating video grease under graceful editing fingernails, media files were lost, processing power compromised and tempers flared to dangerously high levels. 

With this situation report as reality, it was with great anticipation that I headed out at 0500 for my usual Wednesday morning spin class, the third of the week. Just what the doctor ordered, a chance to move away from the irritations, frustrations and potential palpitations of the daily grind, I counseled myself driving to the club in pre-dawn darkness. This will be fun. 

And somewhere between the two miles I devised the game plan for the session. Music would be a random draw, iTunes on shuffle play, and we would try out a new protocol I would call TBF, The Big Four, an acronym borrowed from a particularly insightful piece I once authored while traveling in Europe several years (or lifetimes) ago. TBF would include a monstrously challenging four minute push wrapped around two five minute down-tempo, groove-zone recoveries, or, one four minute sprint with pre and post refreshers. Four of these dogs over the hour, one every fifteen. 

The Big Four, from my notes, are:

1) Be Here Now,
2) Think Positive Thoughts,
3) Live, Love, Learn,
4) Be Happy. 

You can do a lot worse I suppose. With this psychobabble as taking points, we added the four power moves to the mix, seeking the illusive and invigorating mind-body connection. The results were, at least in my assessment, very tasty; hard, challenging, borderline outrageous, fun and of super high quality. It helped that whomever wrote the algorithm for the Apple shuffle code managed to give us a rockin’ mashup as well.

The impermanence of all things, their passing with or without my personal emotional attachments, is back in play. I will find the charger (or not), I will clean up the wasteful files that are most likely responsible for my slow video processing speeds and I will finish out the day with a lift session with Junior, trash recycling, and night two of the Democratic debates from Detroit. Have I mentioned Marianne Williamson yet? 

With any luck at all sometime today I might even isolate which of the four are most responsible for my adaptation. 

My adaption to reality. 

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