Friday, June 7, 2019

I Stand By Them

Zen La Push


The results. Yes, by all legitimate measurements, and a few others, the 2019 Olympic Peninsula Cycling Tour was a huge success. By one-on-one consultation, 100% of the participants rated the tour, from soup to nuts, as successful.  The issue, from the viewpoint of management, was the ease and economy of the testing. In all reality the chances of my screwing the pooch on this four person sampling was less than, say, my chances of being #46. For the following reason: If your are able, by any means, to think of something that might be fun, something that began with imagination, and then in advance, sell that idea to somebody, you are gold. THAT is the creative process on its mystical journey from idea to reality. Think back to times when you had that creative spark, a random thought or the sum of years of scientific research, testing and R&D. Finally you HAD something, something tangible and a commodity that you, and your soon to be inspired marketing department, could then pitch to like-minded individuals. Actually SELL the idea. Put a value on it. Trade it for energy units that others had earned. A gig. EARN A LIVING. And, as we have been seeing, despite oppression, do what you like and like what you do. OMG. Freedom without political corruption. The poll was unanimous - just small. 

We ride our bikes. I support that. I enjoy that. We need that. I offer an opportunity to facilitate. To lead it into previously uncharted target heart rate zones and geographic blanks. To ride into the void of uncertainties. To get back out there. To live a little outside our cushy comfort zones - DESPITE THE WARNINGS AND WITHOUT FEAR OF FAILURE. 

There is always more.  Adventurous things to do, places to visit and people to meet. Some of those people can help, some want to and others are lost in oblivious bigotry. I suppose that everybody truly needs a personal invitation. Why not? The goal is to live, to experience, to do.

You, after those, these and this experience, can make any comment and analysis appropriate for you and your growth process. You can say hello or you can say so long. You can say gimme more or gimme good-bye. We are gifted with the ability to call the mason jar half-full of substance, or totally devoid of any. Personally, I like being out there. I like the adventure, I like the uncertainly and I like the mix of sun and rain. Most, maybe, is the fact that it quickens my pulse, creates a heightened sense of urgency and puts me in direct contact with an energy force, that once mysterious, is now getting quite familiar. It is like falling in love, not at first sight, but slowly, with respect, admiration and a deep compassion and appreciation. We are one with it, together. Committed to the fullest experience of optimal now. Not tomorrow, that will get here soon enough, but right now, where this hill, by the nature we share, implies the faith another will take its place with the new moon. The respect applied in the now creates the epiphanies of tomorrow. That is our challenge. 

Should you be lucky enough to do that five days in a row, your life will forever change for the better. By that measurement you will have been successful at the most important test so far. Will I do things differently next time? Yes. Will you? 

This are the results, my personal and biased take. 

And I stand by them. 

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