Monday, June 10, 2019

A Completely Different Place

Different, better. 

I am here. It most definitely is now. I am doing a physical activity that has been proven to assist my sometimes clumsy ambulation into the uncertainty of the future. Long ago I established that a graceful participation in this process will be one of the major points of focus in the trajectory of my tour of duty, aka this life. Always appreciative of the magic our bodies are capable of, and aware of the synergy between conditioning the body as we rejuvenate the mind, it has always amazed me that we pay so little attention to the third part of the dynamic human triad, ambiguously known as the soul. My guess is that it comes too close to non-secularism for most folks and since science has yet to demonstrate its exact anatomical location, the case can be made that it doesn’t exist. Which is to me, like denying science, the existence of a higher power, or magic. If there is anything I do not want to experience it is that of the Muggle. 

I believe in magic. I believe in miracles. I believe that all we have to do to experience them is to pay attention and be aware of what is taking place both around us and inside us. If, like just adding water is all it takes to create a meal, and we sincerely hunger for answers to the big questions, all we need to do is add awareness. If we can do that we will instantly recognize that something is boiling containing the tofu and peas necessary for transformative sustenance. I fail to see how anyone can, as an example, sit on an indoor stationary bicycle, raise their heart rate through the judicial and courageous use of intensity and frequency, mix with a team of like-minded neighbors, listen to ANY type or genera of musical accompaniment and not feel something from the combination of physical exercise, emotional detachment, relaxed focus and endorphin flow - and not be moved to a completely different place. That place is special. It is sacred. It is the den of our souls and the homes of our spirit. The place where the real you lives. Full on life. 

Love can take us there. Deep empathy, compassion, service too. I am going to suggest that we look for more activities that will move us closer, events, rituals, commitments that ask for our presence and participation. We all know the satisfaction of walking away from a hard job done well, the after-glow of effort. I will add that we should build these vitally important activities into our daily routines, cross-training the mind, the body and the spirit as we would training for a triathlon by swimming, biking and running. 

All these activities, the mundane to the metaphysical, serve our greater purpose. They have the potential to move us to a different place. Out of the ordinary and into the ethereal. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy and erroneously think we need to provide, earn, stockpile and save. We become workaholics, slaves to the system. Our three dimensions dumb down to one as we echo the capitalist cliches that time is money and winning is the only thing that matters. 

Let’s find a flowing balance. Let’s celebrate the spirit in us that cries for recognition and expression. Let’s align, synchronize the gifts we were all blessed with at birth. Use your body, empty your mind and free your spirit. 

Let it take you to a different place. You will still be here and it will always be now, but that place, the one you allow yourself to be swept to, is inside and not down the road somewhere. 

That is a different place we should all visit regularly. I am heading there right now. I like different. 

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