Sunday, June 30, 2019

Go Paddle Upstream.

“As we transform our own experience and relationship to our realities, we cannot help but affect those around us in radiating circles into the larger culture. These moments of freedom and transformation begin to change and elevate the consciousness and awareness of the world.”

This wonderful quote by meditation teacher Larry Yang captures an important and timely concept with surgical precision. So often we feel powerless and overwhelmed by events taking place on the global stage. It is not by chance that the bulk of the reporting on those events falls under the category of propaganda. Not a day passes when I am not (pick one) outraged, furious, befuddled, shocked, appalled, exasperated or emotionally stressed by click-bait headlines pointing at "news". The current cabal of kakistocrats, and their complicit minions, have managed to steal the shotgun, point it at our hearts and bark with a drawl for us to get our hands up. 

Kakistocracy is the government of a state by its most stupid, ignorant, least qualified and unprincipled citizens in power. Kakistos means “worst” which is superlative of kakos “bad” (perhaps also related to “defecate”). Along with kratos meaning “power, rule.”

No wonder we sometimes feel like we’ve been shot at and missed and shit on and hit. 

However, this is not to say that all hope is lost. The pendulum swings, and with persistence, courage, spirited effort and a united voice, the pendulum will swing back in the direction of democracy, truth, progress and justice. For all. This will happen. The question is when? And what damage will be done as we procrastinate in our decision making process and the call to arms? 

It is an interesting social experiment, the results of which could easily determine our very tenure as stewards (inhabitants) of this planet. So yes, I am interested in mashing any technologies, theories, philosophies, ideas, and forums that might assist in the effort to restore peace, cooperation, honesty and compassion to the mix. 

It is apparent to athletes, musicians and activists how important their personal power is to the group, team or community. We have long been aware of the grass-roots, ground-up responsibility of every member of the unit to transform themselves into the best team-player they can be. An awareness that is summed by the imagery of the team as a whole, where each member has the noble assignment to develop themselves through training, education, commitment and allegiance in order to increase the teams capability. In this case the sum is truly greater than its individual parts and only as strong as its weakest link. If you need reminding, please do not be that link. 

This alone gives me daily inspiration and hope. It is my responsibility to become an integral part, a contributing member, a willing and selfless participant on the team I consider most worthy of my association and energy. It is crucial that we all invest in the buddy system motto that states if we change a part of the whole, ourselves as individuals, we change the whole, our team, and in turn our home, and by default the entire planet. Every action counts. 

That’s it, that is all. There is our map. Let us work relentlessly towards radiating that circle outward into the larger culture. 

You know exactly what this means. The time to put that understanding into action, the transfer of knowledge to wisdom, is now. Paddle upstream. 

Please relax into the flow that will carry you to greatness and achievement. Start here. Begin now. Lead by example. Radiate your peace and presence in outward expansion. The frequency of that powerful vibration, if amplified by enough of us, has the power to change the world. 

Change the part, change the whole. Go. 

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