Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Thou Art That

Vision captured. 

You see it fully manifest in the instant of inception. The idea, that magical creative spark of illumination, hangs like the capolavoro, the masterpiece of your collective energies. It is the twinkle in Mona’s dark eyes and the non-judgmental powerful and serene visage of the marbled shepherd boy. It is Spielberg in the screening room, Garcia with headphones and Kerouac transcribing Cassady. 

Every surfer, skater, skier, sprinter and singer knows about it. Every runner, swimmer, climber, wide-receiver and keyboardist dreams of it. Every actor, drummer, author, shortstop and world traveler has heard the legendary tales. 

It is that magic moment when it all, everything, comes together so magnificently intense that we finally see. That is its power and promise. It, and we will explore what ‘it’ is shortly, is strong enough to cut through the thick, stifling fog of your consciousness and flood the spotlight of inspiration upon your soul. 

Some of us get glimpses on the rare occasions when we have completed the prerequisites and prove prepared to move to the next level, when heart rate, focus, extrinsic circumstance and opportunity all collide. Nine times of ten this prompts a ‘what was that?’ response. 

And therein lies the challenge. To move courageously towards improvement, the recognition that our personal percentage should, MUST, seek the nine of ten in welcoming the muse instead of wondering who it is knocking at the door. This is lightning in a bottle folks, a secret of immeasurable power and potential. After all…

…I can tell you until I am blue-faced and flat-lining about the ways to improve your speed. Same with your strength and even more so for your endurance. I can, anyone can, create a template with the only requirement necessary for completion, e.g. success, being mindless adherence. And this is fine. Obviously anything that makes us better, in one or many of the skills we seek, is positive energy. But at some point along that path we eventually begin to feel the absence of something bigger than simply compliance. The means to an end has to have more meaning. With more meaning the end is not the end, the end is now. Always now. The end is the beginning, full of presence, vibrancy and overflowing with cracking energy and joy. The end is now. Making your effort, here and presently, a hundred times more valuable than any simple victory could ever match. 

Why then do we try so hard to discredit the reality of this magic, citing dummy-down cautions like a republican cynic on anything threatening capitalism? Because what we don’t completely understand (like compound interest) we fear. And fear is the best motivator to gaslight the population you wish to control. You can’t handle this magic! You cannot be truly happy and alive thinking that you alone are responsible for it, it must be purchased, sold, rented, and taxed or the system, the one that protects you, will collapse into chaotic socialism. Oh my. 

You have it. It is in you. It is accessible right now, and right here. It is free. It does not pollute, oppress or exploit. It does not discriminate, profile or restrict. There are no walls. There is one requirement, however.

You must open your heart. And trust that by tapping into the possibility that all your dreams, every one of the snapshots of your desires and all the selfies of you in peak experience will create a package that, by design, is nothing other than the game of you finding you. The best you. The ultimate, optimal you. At your highest. In dynamic flow. Moving with the sacred harmonies and vibrations of universal energy. Seeing that moment as the brightest, most colorful and stunning portrait of life as art. 

The art of you. Thou art that. 

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