Thursday, March 21, 2019

Balance in Three Parts

It has been suggested that things are never quite as bad as we think they are, and conversely, never quite as good. Likewise as much as I admire those with an overload of talent, skill, capability, endurance, strength, compassion or Amazon stock, we seem to seek balance. 

The balance, or harmony we seek is with the trio commonly referred to as the trinity; mind, body and spirit. Here at the PowerBarn, RCVman, 2016 Epic Ride HQ we spend a considerable amount of time and energy in our labs focused on the honest attempt to collect sufficient data to initiate change. Positive change. We would sincerely like to make a difference with those interested in increasing what we now call one’s ACQ, Athletic Character Quotient. Or, what makes one tick and another simply toc. 

Having finished Amor Towels magnificent A Gentleman In Moscow tome, and already half-way through his first effort, The Rules of Civility on audio book,  this morning I was awed (while looking for free parking near the ferry terminal) by one of his protagonists in ‘Civility’.

A poor Indiana farm girl moves to Manhattan, falls for a wealthy, handsome, young banker. Being in 1930’s New York, they like to party. One night driving home in the snow and ice they are hit head-on by a milk truck. Our heroine is catapulted through the window, ends up in the hospital for five months and leaves horribly scarred and with a mangled hip. 

The banker decides to take responsibility and as time passes during her convalescence, they gradually fall in love - where she is showered with the spoils of aristocratic prestige. Truly rags to riches. BUT at the cost of incredible pain, disfigurement and a limp for which medicine and technology at that time had no cure, other than gin and opulence. 

This is not an original theme. It has been explored a thousand time prior. From Robin Hood to Romeo and Juliette, as Friar Tuck to Mercutio, some seem to have prodigious gifts in one area at the woeful expense of another. Remember we are in an apples, oranges and pears, the sun, the moon and the stars, gold, silver and bronze, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost metaphorical trilogy here. Or, as suggested earlier, the combination of them creating a balanced and harmonious sum with more value, truth, meaning or beauty than any one of them singing the aria solo. 

You might even recall that we have been in debate with a ‘non-competitive’ person who still laments her inability to rise to the occasion when power, focus and grit are most required. Did I mention that she is a scholar? A mother and librarian? See where we are headed here?

We are not asking you to rob Peter or bribe Paul. This can be a united, shared, joyous team effort. Let your body do what it was created to do. Move it brightly and with the grace of a dancer. Consider the part, the roles, the supporting participation of your awareness and ability to rate, judge and compare. This is a beautiful thing contrary to what most say about judgments. This is about your cognitive awareness used for positive gains in yourself. There is no need to compare or judge others unless you have the maturity to pick the best as role models. Otherwise this judicial decree is about your progress at whatever pace is appropriate. If you are in a hurry it will take longer. Additionally, and I have sung this tune a thousand times, once you have syncopated the powerful and graceful movements of your body with the objective awareness and unconditional support of your central governor (upstairs in the corner office of Gray Matter Inc.) a funny thing happens.

Your spirit, your very soul, asks, begs, implores permission to join the party. 

That is harmony and balance firing on three cylinders of cosmic inch displacement. 

Isolate one, structure it, be consistent, enjoy its wild ride. Add your real-time awareness as relaxed focus. Work hard and when you’re ready, let go. You will find dynamic flow. This is when, and only when, the spirit of a person with a high ACQ joins the show. The vast majority of people have no idea about this. (If I was interested in material gain I would blog on sexy, shiny mobile devices instead of today’s topic). 

Balance is a word not quite powerful enough to convey the absolute magnificence of this synergy. 

But be warned, you are never as far from it nor as close to it, as you think.  

If you keep moving towards it - you will find it. 

And to finish with the theme of threes, you will find it yesterday, today or tomorrow but should you not know of it, or desire it, you will find it no way, at no time an no how. 

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